And the court dates for this coming week are…
(1) Father Jacques Faucher (Archdiocese of Ottawa)
The sex abuse trial of Father Jacques Faucher starts tomorrow morning :
Monday, 08 February 2016: 10 am, TRIAL, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.) – scheduled for three weeks
After a preliminary hearing Father Faucher was committed to stand trial on 7 counts of gross indecency and seven of indecent assault. I believe there five complainants.
Unfortunately the trial will, I am sure, like the preliminary hearing, be conducted solely in French.
I urge those of you who are bilingual to try to attend as may days as possible, both to support the complainants and their families and to find out what is happening.
Please keep the complainants and their families in your prayers: the weeks ahead will be difficult.
As always, please pass along news from the courtroom and links to any and all media coverage.
(2) Father Charles Picot (Diocese of Bathurst, New Brunswick)
Previously convicted molester Father Picot faced further charges November 2013. He has has a court date on tomorrow:
Monday, 08 February 2016: 09:30 am, to set new trial date, Bathurst courthouse (254 St. Patrick St.), Bathurst, New Brunswick
This is supposed be to set a new date only so it should be over and done with very quickly.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
(3) Marcel Lalonde (Cornwall, Ontario)
Thrice convicted serial molester and former Cornwall Ontario school teacher was charged yet again November 2014. Lalonde has a brief court date on Tuesday prior to his schedule June trial:
Tuesday, 09 February 2016: status check (on June trial) Cornwall, Ontario courthouse (29 Second St. W.)
This is only to ensure that things are ready for trial. The trial date is set for June:
27-30 June 2016: TRIAL, Cornwall, Ontario courthouse (29 Second St. W.)
I will check on Wednesday to ensure that the trial dates still stand, and if not, what the rescheduled dates are.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
(4) Father John Sullivan (diocese of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario)
Previously convicted molester Father John Sullivan was charged again in 2012. He has yet another court date on new charges this coming Tuesday:
Tuesday, 09 February 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #101, North Bay, Ontario court house (360 Plouffe Street)
I say “yet another” because, as those of you who follow Sylvia’s Site know all to well, this revolving courthouse door has been swinging for Sullivan years. Literally years. Three to be precise.
These poor souls and their families who are waiting to see justice done!
Father Sullivan is now 91-years-of-age, allegedly sick, and in Montreal or somewhere if I recall correctly.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers. They must be at their wit’s end.
(5) Father Ronald Leger csv (Viatorian priest who was serving in the Archdiocese of St. Boniface, Manitoba)
Former Classical College teacher and student Father Ronald Leger Father Ron Leger entered a GUILTY plea last July to sex charges dating to the 1980s and early 2000s. I haven’t been able to find out as yet if he has been sentenced. This courtdate on Tuesday is for disposition. There has been nothing in the media. I will try to find out if he has or has not been sentenced.
Tuesday, 09 February 2016: 2 pm, disposition coordinator docket, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba )
Please keep the victims in your prayers.
Tomorrow I will get and post updates on the court dates of last week.
Enough for now,