Father Denis Vaillancourt had a court date in Alexandria, Ontario this morning. As you may recall, the canon lawyer and former long-term Chancellor of the Alexandria-Cornwall Diocese (Ontario) is facing charges of sexual assault of a male.
I see no media coverage as yet. If there is no word I will check tomorrow afternoon to get the next court date.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
The next court date for previously convicted serial child molester Father John Sullivan is:
15 December 2015: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #101, North Bay, Ontario court house (360 Plouffe Street)
And on and on and on it goes….
Father Sullivan is a priest with the Diocese of Sault Ste Marie, Ontario.
As, always, please keep this man’s many many victims in your prayers.
A reminder to all of you in the Windsor Ontario area, the three-week trial of Father Robert Couture is scheduled to start this coming Monday:
23 November 2015: 10 am, TRIAL by jury, set for three weeks, Windsor Superior Court of Justice (245 Windsor Avenue), Windsor, Ontario
The theft 0ver $5,000 charges against Father Couture were laid April 2013 ( a diocesan audit put the figure of “irregularities” at $169,000, while police said their investigation revealed there was more than $180,000 irregularities)
The priest, who was working as a substitute teacher in French Catholic schools when he was arrested, has opted for a trial by jury.
Father Couture is a priest with the Diocese of London, Ontario.
Mark your calendars now. I do hope some of you will be able to attend to hear the testimony and watch the proceedings unfold.
Sorry, but, no news yet on the outcome of the Father Rocky Grimard charge. As soon as I find anything I will let you know.
The work on the computer is coming along slowly. I just managed to get my second desktop email mailbox configured to draw in emails from Sylvia’s Site and theinquiry.ca. That , believe it or not, is a huge step 🙂 As I say: ‘Happiness is.’
Lots more to do, but bit by bit things are falling into place.
Enough for now,