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No news on next courtdates for the following:

(1)  Father John Sullivan (Diocese of Sualt Ste Marie, Ontario)

Previously convicted serial molester Father John Sullivan had a court date yesterday (Tuesday, 27 October 2015) in North Bay, Ontario.  I have a call in to find out when his  next court date is.  As soon as I find out I will let you know.

(2) Nathan Labatt  (Archdiocese of Regina)

I have been trying without success to get the next courtdate for Nathan Labatt, former youth volunteer with Archdiocese of Regina, Saskatchewan Youth Ministry and scout mastern (Labatt’s last court date was 19 October 2015 in Humboldt, Saskatchewan).

Sometimes getting these courtdates is a piece of pie, and other times it seems to take forever.  Anyway, I will eventually get dates for both Father Sullivan and Labatt.


Yes, I am still plagued by computer problems.  To date no luck in setting up the mail server which previously handled email from Sylvia’s Site and   For the time being I have redirected all personal mail from the site to my personal  mail box.

Thankfully the emails which disappeared are still on the hard-drive, but, as those of you have been through such a catastrophe know, they are very difficult to sort and read.  That means that I have been unable to find those emails which were received in the days before the disaster hit.  There was one person in particular from Newfoundland who was contacting me who|I would like to reach.  If you are reading this, please contact me again.  Use the “Contact Me” tab above (under the picture) email address.

Yes, it seems like when it comes to me and computer snafus and gremlins it never rains but it pours!!!  seems that a  shut down during a power outage was responsible for at least part, if not all, of my problems.

Anyway, slowly but surely the mess is getting sorted out.  As soon as it’s in reasonable shape I will ever so reluctantly, as I said before, upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10, then will spend whatever times is necessary to sort out what software and hardware and so on  isn’t happy with the upgrade, and then, finally , on to a new computer!

Enough for now,


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