Sorry everyone, the computer gremlins are at it again! I use two monitors to work. A necessity. Well, tearly this evening I powered up my computer only to discover that my second monitor has given up the ghost.
Not good!
Worse. The programs which were set to automatically open on that monitor could not be viewed, or accessed in any way, shape or form. As a result, I was unable to access the Control Panel to change the monitor settings from dual to single monitor.
A dilemma!!!
After much time spent fiddling about trying to access various programs I finally decided to remove the monitor to scrap it. Well, lo and behold, as soon as I removed the connector, up popped a screen on the functioning monitor – the control panel for setting the dual monitors! 🙂 I was thus able to set the controls for one monitor only, and thus able to access all programs on that single screen.
I had several things which I had hoped to accomplish this evening, however, it’s getting late. All being well I will pick up what needs to be done tomorrow evening (commitments most of the day tomorrow ).
On the list of things to do are further postings on the Father Henry Maloney page, both a scan of Part 2 of the Bancroft Times article, and the redacted Statement of Claim of a man who was sexually molested by Father Maloney 60 years ago, before he got his sullied hands on young Mike. I will call this victim “Joe.”
I promise that one way or the other I will get at least one of those posted by day’s end tomorrow, and that both will be posted by, at the latest, supper time on Saturday.
Please keep Mike and Joe and their families in your prayers.
Enough for now,