I see no news as yet re ex priest and serial molester Eric Dejaeger’s court date in Iqaluit today. There surely should be news fairly soon.
I do hope and pray that if, as anticipated, Dejeager pleads guilty to some of the Edmonton charges that he will receive a sentence which does NOT run concurrent to the 11-year-sentence he is now serving for molesting all of those children in Nunavut.
Clerical molester Father Ronald Leger csv has a courtdate in Winnipeg tomorrow afternoon:
30 September 2015: 1 pm, courtroom #301, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba )
Leger, a Viatorian priest who both attended the Cornwall Classical College as a boy and taught there after ordination, entered a guilty plea 13 July 2015 to charges related to the sex abuse of three boys dating to the 1980s and between 20012 and 2004.
Some may recall that Father Leger was a good friend of convicted molester Father Paul Lapierre. Lapierre, who was acquitted in Cornwall and convicted in Quebec on charges laid by the same victim, Claude Marleau. In fact, during his Cornwall sex abuse trial Lapierre made mention of Leger several times, including reference to the going away party for Father Leger which started at a home in Cornwall Ontario and wound up at a cottage in Glenn Walter owned Father Leger’s brother, Guy Leger
Please keep the victim in your prayers.
In the event that some missed the updates posted over a week ago, here they are:
(1) Father Yvon Arsenault (Archdiocese of Monton, new Brunswick)
I left a message for Father Arsenault’s lawyer hoping he would call and allow me then to clarify what is happening. No call.
Here is the latest regarding upcoming dates:
MONCTON charges: TRIAL: 11 October 2016: 09:30 am, 45 Assumption Moncton Courthouse Moncton NB (45 Assumption Blvd)
MIRAMICHI charges: 01 February 2016: 1:30 pm, possibly a trial date will be set
Please not that both dates are for next year, 2016. Note too that the Miramichi charges are proceeding to trial on their own. They have not been merged with the Moncton charges.
(2) Nathan Labatt (youth volunteer, Archdiocese Regina, Saskatchewan)
The next courtdate for Nathan Labatt is:
05 October 2015: 10 am Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue)
(3) Father Paul Andre Harvey (Diocese of Chicoutimi, Quebec)
Father Paul Andre Harvey, who entered a guilty plea 16 June 2015, has been sentenced to six years for his crimes
11 September 2015: “Crimes of sexual violence on children: Fr. Harvey sentenced to six years in prison” google translation & related article
Six years! There are a total of 39 victims. That ism of course, known victims.
Six years!
A paltry six years. He’s be out and about in what? four years? m aybe three?
Six years.
I call this the crumbs under the table. Victims alas have no choice but to take what pittance of a sentence is thrown their way, thankful at least that he is no threat to children while he serves a few years behind bars for his horrific crimes.
(4) Gary Hoskins (Diocese Saint George’s, Newfoundland (now Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador)
Prior to the current charges Father Hoskins had been previously convicted recycled and taken into Archdiocese of Toronto by Cardinal Emmett Carter. (guilty plea 1987) After parishioners found out that their priest was convicted molester they protested vehemently. In 1995 Hoskins- still very much a Roman Catholic priest – began to ‘work’ as a social worker with the Center for Addictions and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto .
I have heard via the grapevine that in the past year or so a process was finally underway to have Hoskins defrocked.
The trial date for the latest charges has been set:
25 – 26 April 2016: 10 am, TRIAL, Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.)
15 March 2016: 10 am, application related to trial, Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.)
The current charges were laid February 2013.
(5) Father John E. Sullivan (Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie Ontario)
The current charges against previously convicted clerical molester Father John Sullivan were laid in June and October of 2012. Yes, that’s right. 2012!
Father Smith had a court date 22 September 2015. His next courtdate is:
27 October 2015: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #101, North Bay, Ontario court house (360 Plouffe Street)
(6) Brian Lucy (Organist in the Archdiocese of Kingston, Ontario)
I’m not quite sure what’s happening here. A trial date had previously been set for 22 February 2016. Now there is a pre-trial scheduled for 02 October 2015. I was told this is in chambers and therefore is NOT open to the public:
02 October 2015: 10 am, Pretrial (in chambers), Brockville, Ontario courthouse, (41 Court House Square
I will do a follow-up after 02 October and see of perchance there is another court date tucked in between now and next year’s trial.
Please keep all the victims and complainants in your prayers.
The word is that convicted clerical molester Father Douglas Stamp is now living in Co-Op housing on Elm Street In Toronto. And, further to that, the word is that because he was a priest the members have elected him to serve as President of the C–Op.
More on the bizarre saga surrounding Father Joe Gorman....
The last we knew Father Gorman announced he was leaving the priesthood (April 2015): that announcement came on the heels of the archdiocese’s announcement that Father Gorman was being asked to step aside for a period of reflection.
The word now is that Gorman is Director of Ethics and Spiritual Care at the new (2011) 549 bed hospital Humber River Hospital in Toronto. The hospital is affiliated with the University of Toronto and Queen’s University.
Is Father Gorman officially Mr. Gorman? I doubt it. He is probably still in the process of becoming MR. Gorman. It seems, however, that he is now viewed as an ethicist!
No matter, the bottom line is that this is the man/priest who, by all accounts, falsified documents related to a marriage, and performed at least two illegal marriages.
Enough for now.