The start of a new month! February is looking to be a a quieter month courtwise than January, at least to date.
There are three courtdates scheduled for this coming week. Mark your calendars. If you are able to attend please do:
(1) Monday, 02 February 2015
(i) Father Yvon Arsenault (Archdiocese of Moncton, New Brunswick)
02 February 2015: to enter a plea on newest charges plus there is a court-date set on this date on the initial set of charges, Moncton Courthouse Moncton NB (45 Assumption Blvd)
The first of these charges were laid December 2013.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers,
(2) Friday, 06 February 2015
(i) Father Jacques Faucher (Archdiocese of Ottawa, Ontario)
06 February 2015: assignment court (Superior Court of Justice), Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
The charges against Father Faucher were laid two years ago.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
(ii) Eric Dejaeger omi (Oblate priest – these particular charges were laid in Edmonton Alberta)
06 February 2015: 09:30 am, in arraignment court, Edmonton Court of Queen’s Bench ( 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square , Edmonton, AB)
Please keep the many Dejaeger victims and complainants in your prayers.
(iii) Father Albert Laisnez (Archdiocese of Edmonton, Alberta)
06 February 2015: 09:30 am, in arraignment court, Edmonton Court of Queen’s Bench ( 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square , Edmonton, AB)
These charges were laid February 2014.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
Enough for now,