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Viatorian priest Father Ronald Leger‘s first court appearance is tomorrow morning

26 January 2015:  1 pm, Winnipeg Manitoba courthouse ( 408 York Avenue)

Some of you will recall that Father Leger, a former student and teacher at the Cornwall Classical College,  was – is? – a good friend of convicted clerical molester Father Paul Lapierre.

Father Leger left Cornwall after the Classical college closed in 1968 .  After some further education in the States he landed in Manitoba where he taught high school and twice opened a drop-in centre for youth. He eventually suffered a “burnout” of some sort and wnet back to Quenbec.  After his return to Manitoba his opened another drop-in center.  He is said to have been close to another burnout and at that point began to serve as a pastor in a  parish.

Please keep the complainant in your prayers.  Please also pass on any and all news of the outcome.


Tomorrow (Monday 26 January 2015) I will find out the nest courtdates for Deacon William Kokesch (Montreal) an Father Albert Laisnez (Edmonton).  I haven’t seen or heard a word about what happened with either of the two this past Friday.  As soon as I find out I will pass on the word

Enough for now,


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