The sentencing hearing of Eric Dejeager has concluded. Ex priest, molester and Oblate has promised not to reoffend again.
Here is a new article, plus the news from in the courtroom from CBC’s Peter Worden
22 January 2015: Eric Dejaeger sentencing: Former priest to speak to the court today
Sentencing hearing has concluded … Dejaeger will not be back in court when judge reaches decision. #dejaeger
Justice Robert Kilpatrick says he expects a short turnaround on sentence, but will not “rush to judgement” #dejaeger
“I promise not to reoffend again” Eric Dejaeger tells judge, as victims cry in court gallery. #dejaeger
Crown says defence’s guilty pleas were hard won and therefore “insincere” #dejaeger
Back in court for Day Four of sentencing hearing for #dejeager Crown now making final rebuttal.
I’m not sure what’s happening here. “Justice Robert Kilpatrick says he expects a short turnaround on sentence, but will not ‘rush to judgement'” and “Sentencing hearing has concluded … Dejaeger will not be back in court when judge reaches decision.”
Has Justice Kilpatrick gone to chambers to ponder Dejaeger’s fate? and then will return sometime later today when he has reached his decision?
Or, has he decided that he needs a few days at the least to think it all through?
No matter, the sentencing hearing was wrapped up this morning in the twinkle of an eye. I was truly surprised when I checked just after 10 am to see what was happening only to find it was all over!
There should be some more concrete news on this by noon. I will post as soon as I know.
I wonder if Dejaeger apologized, or just promised not to reoffend?
We shall see…
Enough for now,
PS: Questions answered. According to short CBC article (1) Dejaeger also apologized to the victims and his own family. (2) Justice Kilpatirck said he hopes to reach a decision within two weeks. I will now post the article.