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Well, today I discovered a number of important emails tucked away in the Junk email folder of one of my mailboxes.  Thankfully I discovered years ago that I should always check the folder before clearing it, but I don’t always clean it out as often as I should 🙁

But, I checked, and I came across those emails.  So, today I was yet again apologetically catching up on emails .

Beyond that I was back posting files and adding links to As I mentioned before the files being posted now relate largely to Claude Marleau’s sex abuse by Father Paul Lapierre and the subsequent trials – with acquittal in Cornwall and conviction in Quebec – and eventual testimony and evidence at the Cornwall Public Inquiry.  And all this prompted by news that a good friend of Father Lapierre, Viatorian priest Father Ronald Leger, was recently charged in Manitoba.

Father Leger’s name was raised several times during Lapierre’s Cornwall sex abuse trial.  Father Leger was teaching at the Cornwall Classical College back then, and Father Lapierre was a priest in the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, Ontario.  That was before Father Lapierre headed off to Montreal, Quebec and never again served as a priest in his diocese of incardination.  And Father Lapierre’s departure seems to have coincided with  the closure of the college (1968).

Anyway, once I get a few of the page on back up to snuff information-wise I will post my recollection of the testimony regarding Father Leger, largely from notes and transcripts.   It’s not profound or earth shattering, but, it’s, well … just interesting.  As I say, it’s all about connecting the dots.  Do the dots connect or don’t they?  We shall see.  Or, at least we shall give it a try.  Besides, I firmly believe that any the information I have which can be in the public domain needs to be out there and not rumbling about in my head.

I will soon be getting some assistance with the following two French documents which were posted on the Father Leger page a few days ago:

March 2011:  French  Father Ronald Leger “Father Ron” ( Viateurs du Canada March 2011 no 28)

Father Ronald Leger Viatorian bio (French)

There are bits and pieces which I could add to the page now but I’m not comfortable doing so until I walk through the documents with someone who is fluently bilingual.  That is coming 🙂

Between now and then I shall carry on posting on  And, just so you know what’s going on I should mention too that there will be some changes as I go. When I first had to tackle the task of re-doing the site I was on the hunt for software which I thought could best do the job.  I did purchase a program to work in conjunction with WordPress.  Over the last few days I have however discovered that the program has its limits and that on some pages I have reached them all too soon. I am therefore going to redo some pages as I go along to try to avoid a total mess as I add more and more information to pages.

Last year I asked you to check  Home page regularly and click your way through new articles and around the site.  Would you please start doing that again?  Here are the articles which were posted today:

24 November 2006:  [More Delays – Cornwall Inquiry to run for another year]

28 November 2006:  Few secrets at Project Truth Inquiry

28 November 2006:  Victim Says Eight Men Abused Him

29 November 2006:  Victim Wonders Why Diocese Escaped Investigation

28 November 2006: Another priest loses battle to keep his name secret

28 November 2006:  Victim Says Eight Men Abused Him

30 November 2006: Newspaper wants to identify man in sex abuse probe (CBC and Ottawa Citizen to fight ban

Click the menu items.  Click the links on pages.  Click the Categories.  Just click away so that search engines will start to recognize that information which disappeared a few months ago is now back 🙂

Enough for now,


This entry was posted in Accused or charged, Administrative, Alexandria-Cornwall Diocese, Canada, Cornwall, Scandal and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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