All sorts of interesting little pieces of info

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Previoulsy convicted molester  Father Gary Hoskins has a courtdate scheduled for today (Monday 12 January 2015) in Corner Brook, Newfoundland.  This is a pre-trial conference and is NOT open to the public.  There will be a new courtdate set.  Tomorrow I will find out what that date is and let you know.


I have been working on and have now posted the page for recently charged Viatorian priest Father Ronald Leger.  Much has been done – still more to do.  As you will see, much of the information is in French so  time spent on Google translations 🙁  Also considerable time spent finding and then digging through references to Father Leger in my Cornwall, Ontario papers.

Anyway, I have posted the page and will continue working on it.

There are two articles which need to be translated.  Here is one:  Father Ronald Leger Viatorian bio (French)  If anyone can give a hand your assistance would be greatly appreciated 🙂

There is another article which I haven’t posted yet – will do so a little later.  It also needs translating.

For now I direct you to the page of information which has been put together to date.

All sorts of interesting little pieces of info here…

As I said, I have been hunting for and going through notes and transcripts from the sex abuse trial of Father Paul Lapierre .  Lapierre, acquitted in Cornwall and convicted in Quebec, was a good friend of Father Ronald Leger. Leger, a former student and teacher at the Cornwall Classical College, had also befriended the family of his victim,  Claude Marleau)

Enough for now,


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