Viatorian priest charged in Manitoba

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A Viatorian pries (Cleric of St Viateur) t, Father Ronald Leger csv, has been charged in the Manitoba Archdiocese of Saint Boniface.  Father Leger has been on leave from his duties as Pastor at Holy Family Parish in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  The investigation into the sex abuse allegations against Father Leger commenced February 2014.

I have discovered that I encountered the name of  Father Leger in the past.  I am currently putting together a page of information and doing google translations on some of the relevant information.  It looks as though there is definitely a Cornwall, Ontario  connection here.  As soon as I get this all sorted out and get the page together I will post and let you know.


A picture of the recently charged Father Peter Groulx, Diocese of Sault Ste Marie, Ontario,  has been added to the Father Peter Groulx page.


There are two new complainants and two new charges against the Archdiocese of Moncton New Brunswick’s  Father Yvon Arsenault. Father Arsenault’s next courtdate is:

22 January 2015: 11 am, election on two new charges, Moncton Courthouse Moncton NB (45 Assumption Blvd);

Please keep all nine complainants in your prayers.


Father Linus Bastien (Diocese of London, Ontario) had a courtdate in Friday, 09 January 2015.  I am unable to find out when his next courtdate is until next week.  I shall do so and pass on the word.

Please keep the complainants in your prayers.


The Archdiocese of Kingston, Ontario’s Father Robyn Gwyn has a judicial pre-trial hearing scheduled :

19 January 2015: 09:00 judicial pre-trial in chambers (NOT open to public), Kingston Ontario courthouse (279 Wellington St.)

This hearing is NOT open to the public.  Those who attend in courtroom #1 early in the morning will probably at some point hear some news of the goings on in chambers, but exactly when is a bit of a gamble.   There will be a new courtdate set after the hearing.  I will find out what it is and post after the 19th.

Keep the complainants in your prayers.


I am awaiting a call back regarding the next Edmonton courtdate for Eric Dejager ex-priest, convicted molester and still member of the Oblates .

The Edmonton courtdates relate to sex abuse charges against Dejeager in Edmonton. Alberta.

You will no doubt recall that in September 2014 Dejager was convicted on a mere 24 of approximately 80 sex abuse charges against him.

Dejaeger.  a fugitive from Canadian justice and previously convicted molester,  was deported from his native Belgium in January 2011.  He has been in the Baffin Island Detention Detention Centre in Iqaluit, Nunavut since his arrival in Canada.

Dejaeger’s Nunavut sentencing hearing is scheduled for 129 January 2015 in Iqaluit.  I am trying to find out what is happening with the Edmonotn charges.  Will they be lumped in with the Nunavut charges?  Will they proceed to trial in Edmonton, Alberta?

As soon as I hear news I will pass it along.  As you probably now by now, sometimes it takes a bit of  time to get information on upcoming courtdates 🙁

Please keep the many many Dejaeger victims in your prayers.


I have a picture of a very young Terrence Platana to post.  Platana was ordained as a deacon in the Roman Catholic Church/Diocese of Sault Ste Marie in 1987.  His ordination to the deaconate would have come when Bishop Marcel Gervais – former Archbishop of Ottawa archdiocese – was bishop of the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie.

Those who followed the Cornwall Ontario sex abuse scandal and cover-up may recall that it was Justice Terence Platana who let Cornwall lawyer and Church canon lawyer Jacques Leduc to “walk” after he was ordered back to trial on the heels of the Justice Colin McKinnon/James Chadwick fiasco.  Platana was brought in from Thunder Bay,Ontario the understanding he had no connections to Cornwall and hence there was no potential for conflict of interest and a repeat of the McKinnon fiasco.  Now we find out that Platana has been a deacon in the Church since 1987!!  If only – if only! – we had known that when Platana was overseeing the lynching and ongoing vilification of Constable Perry Dunlop.   (I will hopefully be able to tackle the Cornwall Inquiry website and get all the information which I have on that travesty of justice back on the site and once again available to the public)

Anyway. on the one hand it’s disheartening news, but on the other it is all part of connecting the dots, is it not?  I am sure many will feel that they had the wool pulled right over their eyes on this one, and am I am sure will, like me, feel more than a little queasy in the stomach.  What a ruse.  To go from the trial of Jacques Leduc with Justice MacKinnon on the bench to a trial with Justice DEACON Terence Platana on the bench!

Enough.  Now we know…

I will get the picture of Deacon Platana posted within the next couple of days and in the process bring the Terence Platana page up to date.

Enough for now,


This entry was posted in Accused or charged, Canada, Clerical sexual predators, Cornwall, Scandal and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Viatorian priest charged in Manitoba

  1. BC says:

    Radio-Canada Winnipeg covered this story last week see here:

    with video featuring Léger himself indicating that he’ll be pleading not guilty

    Léger is in Montreal currently. Viatorians not wanting to comment.

    • Sylvia says:

      Yes, thank you BC, I have been rounding up the coverage and getting the page on Father Leger ready to post. I will probably post it soon and add other information later. There are still a few things in my paper files which I would like to find before posting, but if I can’t find them in the next hour or so I will probably just post what I have rounded up to date and then carry on with my search

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