Several courtdates

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There are several courtdates scheduled for the coming week.  Mark your calendars.  I encourage those who can do so to attend:

Monday, 05 January 2015

(1)  Father Charles Picot (Bathurst Diocese, New Brunswick)

05 January 2015:   09:30 am, to enter plea,  Bathurst courthouse, Bathurst, New Brunswick

Let’s hope this is not yet another adjournment.

Please keep the complainant in your prayers.  As always, please pass along news and/or links to media coverage re the outcome.

(2)  Brian Lucy (Kingston Archdiocese, Ontario)

05 January 2015: 10 am, assignment court, Brockville, Ontario courthouse, (41 Court House Square)

Keep the complainants in your prayers.  And, yes,  please pass along news and/or links to media coverage re the outcome.

Tuesday, 06 January 2015

(1) Father John Sullivan (Diocese of Sault, Ste Marie, Ontario)

06 January 2015: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to” courtroom #101 (the set date courtroom), North Bay, Ontario court house (360 Plouffe Street)

Let’s hope for the sake of the complainants that there will finally be some action here. This has been dragging on and on and on since Fall of 2012.  It has to be so terribly hard for the complainants.  Keep them in your prayers.

Thursday, 08 January 2015

(1) Father Yvon Arsenault (Moncton Archdiocese, New Brunswick)

08 January 2015:  09:30 am, Preliminary Inquiry/hearing, Moncton Courthouse Moncton NB (45 Assumption Blvd )

  Hopefully the preliminary hearing will get off the ground this time around?  I urge those who can do so to attend to find out what’s going on here.

Keep the complainants in your prayers.  I believe there are now seven.

(2)  Father Robyn Gwyn (Kingston Archdiocese, Ontario)

08 January 2015:  09:30 am. “to be spoken to,” Kingston Ontario courthouse (279 Wellington St.)

Please keep the  complainants in your prayers.


Our Christmas celebrations continued into yesterday – a get-together and exchange of gifts with family members who weren’t with us in the States for Christmas.  And a white Christmas the second-time around!  The snow came down – quite a drive getting across the city, but, we made it.

Today it’s freezing rain 🙁

This week I will get the email contacts back up on the site.  I have several bits and pieces of information to pass along – have been waiting for  this coming week to settle back into the flow.  One doctor’s appointment coming on Tuesday to check on this eye which has been giving me problems and then all is clear 🙂

Enough for now,


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