Christmas is just around the corner, and this week is a busy week in court! I know it’s a busy time for everyone but do hope and pray that those who can do so will get into the courtroom to find out what’s going on. Here then are the courtdates for next week:
(1) Father Yvon Arsenault
Monday, 15 December 2014: 09:30 am, issues re Bastarache documents ? “preliminary inquiry date to be set,” Moncton courthouse, Moncton NB(45 Assumption Blvd).
You will recall that Father Aresenault’s preliminary hearing of 09 December 2014 was adjourned at the 11 the hour. Defense wants to get its hands on the Bastarche files. I’m not really sure what’s happening here, and in truth am surprised that defence can even access those files. Maybe they can’t. Tomorrow will perhaps tell.
You see, here’s my problem…
According to a June 2012 statement posted on the Archdiocesan website announcing the Bastarache-led Conciliation process “This process will be entirely confidential and independent from the Archdiocese.”
What I wonder was meant – and understood – by “confidential”?
And, who, I am now wondering, has possession of those files? Were they turned over to the Archdiocese by Mr. Bastarache after teh conciliation process wrapped up? If not, who has keep/custody of the files? and who, I wonder, might fight on behalf of the complainants to retain the promised confidentiality?
Just thoughts. I am both concerned and puzzled regarding this sudden turn of events and where it may be heading.
I shall have to wait to see who this unfolds.
So, this morning I think there should I think be some form of follow-up on this Bastarche files business, and also a setting of a another date for the preliminary inquiry/hearing.
I do hope some people can get into court to find out what is happening, and in the process determine if there is or is not a battle playing out over disclosure of those Bastarache files.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers. As always, please pass along any news of the outcome of today’s proceedings , including links to media coverage.
(2) Father Peter Groulx
Tuesday, 16 December 2014: 09:30 am, courtroom # 105, “to be spoken to,” Thunder Bay, Ontario courthouse (125 Brodie Street North. Thunder Bay, Ontario)
Father Groulx failed to appear at his last courtdate. If he fails to appear tomorrow a warrant will be issued for his arrest.
I urge those who are free to do so to attend.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
(3) Father Linus Bastien
Wednesday, 17 December 2014: 09:30 am, pretrial hearing in conference room (NOT open to public), Windsor Superior Court of Justice (245 Windsor Avenue)
Note that this is NOT open to the public. However the complainants still need your prayers.
(4) Father Robyn Gwyn
Thursday, 18 December 2014: ;09:00 am, courtroom #3, “to be spoken to,” Kingston Ontario courthouse (279 Wellington St.);
Father Gwyn has yet to appear in court. Perhaps he will finally make the trip from wherever he is staying in Quebec to the Kingston courthouse on Thursday?
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
Last Sunday parishioners at St. Patrick’s in Fallowfield , Ontario were told that their recently suspended pastor, Father Stephen Amesse , had received 128 emails between the Thursday he was charged and the next Friday morning, with all but one being positive.
Yesterday the following message appeared in St. Patrick’s Sunday bulletin
To contact Fr. Steve, you can drop off a letter or leave a message with the office at St. Patrick’s Parish or you can phone the Archdiocese of Ottawa at 613 738-5025 Extension 244 and leave a message with Julie Tanguay. We will make sure that he gets the message. Father Steve appreciates the support he has received from many already.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
Enough for now,