No trial date yet

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The next courtdate for Father Linus Bastien, a priest with the Diocese of London, Ontario facing multiple charges related to sex abuse of young boys, is:

17 December 2014: 09:30 am, pretrial hearing in conference room
NOT open to public), Windsor Superior Court of Justice (245 Windsor Avenue)

As I said elsewhere, please note that the upcoming courtdate is NOT open to the public.  This will be more preparation for trial, with lawyers discussing or arguing any number of things, such as which witnesses will be called to testify, what documents and testimony can be entered into evidence and/or how many days to book for trial.

It could also entail a bit of plea bargaining – possibly deal-making on a guilty plea to some or all of the charges.  I am not for a moment saying that is what will happen, but, the reality is that it could.  (The last I knew – quite some time ago – was that Father Bastien was facing a total of 22 charges from seven complainants.  )

There is no trial date set as yet.

The first set of these charges against the priest were laid October 2011.  Further charges were laid January 2012.    To my knowledge the last of the charges were laid November 2012.  The charges relate to allegations of sex abuse of boys in the ’70s and 80s.

This has been a long process for all complainants, and it’s not over!

Please keep the complainants – and their families – in your prayers.

Enough for now,


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