More on SMIS sex abuse scandal

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This was supposed to have been posted 27 October.  I just discovered it still sitting with draft blogs.:


More news on the sex abuse scandal at St. Mary’s International School in Tokyo Japan:

27 October 2014:  Former St. Mary’s teachers faced child sex abuse charges in U.S.

27 October 2014:  St. Mary’s school in Tokyo to investigate child sex abuse after teacher’s rape confession

And  the referenced letters of apology

21 January 2014:  Brother Lawrence Lambert fic apology to his victim (one of two)

21 January 2014:  Brother Lawrence Lambert fic apology to his victim (one of two)

21 January 2014:   Apology by Brother Raymond  Ducharme fic as VP to Brother Lawrence victim


Doctor’s appointment this am – must run

Enough for now,


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