Another delay

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A very quick blog…

(1)  Thank you michael for the news on Father Charles Picot.   Disappointing – yet another delay – two more months,  Hard on the complainant.  But good to hear too that another complainant has found the courage to come forward.

I see that the comments had closed off at the foot of the page.  That happens every now and then without rhyme nor reason.  It’s back in order now.

Please post links to any media coverage, and please keep the complainants in your prayers.

(2)  I have been told that the sex abuse lawsuit trial against the estate of Father Charles Sylvestre and the London Diocese is not proceeding this week as planned so anyone who was planning to attend please hold until further notice.   At this point I have left it on the Legal Calendar as starting on 29 Sept. – I have no idea if that will be the case or not.   I will be unable to check on it this week so please, anyone who knows if it is proceeding and when let me know.

Please keep the plaintiff in your prayers.

(3)  Yesterday afternoon was spent at the hospital.   My husband is scheduled for the first part of his surgery this morning – plugging the artery in his leg.  That will be done as an outpatient – we were told that he will be there for most of the day.  He will be admitted on Friday to have the abdominal aortic aneurysm repaired.  Please keep the welcome and much needed prayers going.

I am still sorely restricted in what I can do physically.  I mentioned two weeks ago that I had broken both bones in my right arm and a toe on left foot.  Well, my arm is  improving but I am still unable to use the fingers on the right hand to type or do too much of anything.  I can’t even drive!  The cast is on for another month.  Oh joy 🙂

So, a reminder to all that due to husband’s medical situation and my very untimely trip up in the laundry room I just can’t keep up to date on emails and blogs.  I never for a moment stop thinking about and praying for you, but due to present circumstances am unable to do all that I want and need to do on Sylvia’s Site.

Enough for now,


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5 Responses to Another delay

  1. A reader says:

    Well, then, Sylvia. It’s time for us, the readers, to pray for you. Take time out to heal. Best wishes!

  2. Brunelle Brenda says:

    Sending you our love and prayers Sylvia. We are with you and your husband this week.

    Don and I wish for you a speedy recovery, your husband needs his nurse.

    I pray for your husband and his surgeons for a successful procedure and speedy recovery.

    all our love,
    Don and Brenda

  3. Sylvia says:

    Husband home from hosp. yesterday afternoon – settling in at home will probably have a few miserable days, but surgery is behind him now and was a success 🙂

  4. 1yellowknife says:

    Good to hear! And how are you doing, Sylvia? Any progress?

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