I haven’t read the judge’s Reasons for Judgment yet, but have read that Dejaeger was convicted on a number of the charges and got off on a number more. I am heartbroken. I am disappointed beyond measure. I am worried about the victims whose charges did not end with a guilty verdict.
Please pray for all the victims. and their family and friends.
The judges reasons for judgment and one media article are here:
10 September 2014: Dejaeger verdict Reasons for Judgment
12 September 2014: Nunavut court: pedophile ex-priest Eric Dejaeger guilty on 24 count
I will post more media coverage shortly – am having great difficulty getting articles up and typing with this broken arm 🙁 am anxious to read and try to come to terms with how this molester got off on so darn many charges.
Enough for now,
This article projects he will be credited with 6 years served he might not do more time, sad
Sylvestre: Father Charles Sylvestre trial that was set for 22 September 2014. I am happy to announce the trial was averted, and settlement was reached on 22 September 2014.