Thanks to BC we leaned yesterday that Quebec Superior Court Judge Claude Bouchard has ruled in favor of those men who suffered child sex abuse at the hands of Redemptorist priests in Quebec. 12 victims testified at the class action which was taken to trial.
There is an English article online now. I will post both this morning.
Well done to all of you men who fought so hard to bring the atrocities you endured at the hands of these wolves in sheep’s clothing to light.
There is word out and about that convicted clerical molester Father Dan Miller, now out of jail, is living in an apartment building in Pembroke Ontario. There was no notification to others in the building. More to come.
I swear to goodness that this business of getting back online is the worst darn thing I have ever had to tackle. Oh my! I spend hours and hours and seem to be getting nowhere. BUT, the process is giving me a fresh look at the magnitude of the scandal and the cover-up. Would it make sense to to anyone if I said there should have been an inquiry of the inquiry?
Anyway, I will carry on with the job at hand. I think I mentioned before that I am now trying to pull out and post blogs which should help to pull the pieces together so dots which need to be connected are connected. I ask again that you try to spend a little time each day clicking yor way around Yes, please by all means do take time to stop and read the horror of the scandal, but take time to just skip from page to page and link to link to get the new material back into the bowels of the search engines.
As I add material to one page which I know is also relevant to another page I will pop a link over on the other page, so, you will probably run across pages with a few bits and pieces of information posted willy nilly. In due course it will all be rounded up.
Here are the latest additions of interest. Information has been added to the Gerry Renshaw page. Pages have been added for Justice Terrence Platana, and for the following Crowns, Murray MacDonald; Peter Griffiths; Lidia Narozniak. A page has been added for Father Gary Ostler – more bits and pieces to add there. I am working on the Robert Pelletier page now – will get the Griffith-Pelletier Memo posted in the process. Then will get the pages together again for Carole Deschamps.
As I say, as I come across information which is relevant to other pages I am now trying to post it there as I move along. That means that there frequently are additions to content on pages – it would be far too time-consuming to make note of those additions.
Another thing. Links to media articles are proving to be a huge problem. I have all the media coverage saved and eventually every article will be re-posted, but, when an article is referenced in a blog it is extremely time-consuming to track it down. I have decided I will have to forgo trying to find and link to those articles. Sorry about that 🙁
Enough for now,