The illegal gagging

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Father Linus Bastien and Robert Couture both had court dates “to set a date” in the Windsor courthouse yesterday.

Has anyone heard anything of the outcome of either case?

I will check this coming week to get the next court date for both priests.

Please keep the complainants in your prayers.


Information and links have been added to the Malcolm MacDonald page.  “Malcolm” was Father Charles MacDponald‘s lawyer in the now infamous pay-off and illegal gagging of David Silmser.

Here is a list of the files specifically related to the illegal gagging of David Silmser and “Malcom”‘s eventual guilty plea to charges of obstruction of justice regarding that pay-off – and the absolute discharge this former Crown attorney received:

02 September 1993Full Release and Undertaking not to Disclose

(the now infamous illegal $32,000 pay-off.  According to Silmser $10,000 was paid by the diocese, $10,000 by Father Charles MacDonald, and $12,000 by insurance)  SIN number has been redacted.  Para 2 is the illegal clause.  It is illegal to prevent anyone from pursuing criminal charges or causing them to terminate any criminal action in progress.)

02 September 1993: Certificate of Independent Legal signed by Sean Adams

Sean Adams later testified that he read and explained the contents of the Full Release and Undertaking not to Disclose to David Silmser but did not see the illegal clause. (Silmser  testified that he later paid Adams $400 cash)

02 September 1993Malcolm MacDonald to Sean Adams re escrow

Malcolm MacDonald letter to Sean Adams re cheque for $32,000 to be held in escrow until David Silmser advises police he does not want to proceed with charges.

03 September 1993: Malcolm MacDonald to Det. Sgt.Luc Brunet 03 Sept 1993

Malcolm MacDonald (lawyer for Father Charles MacDonald) letter to Det. Sgt. Luc Brunet (Cornwall police) containing copy of Certificate of Independent Legal Advice prepared by Sean Adams, solicitor for David Silmser. , and signed by David Silmser)

03 February 1995:  Malcolms court documents showing charges re obstruction of justice

Court document showing the charges of obstruction of justice against Malcolm MacDonald, Father Charlie’s lawyer. The illegal deal was struck Fall 1993.

12 September 1995:  Her Majesty the Queen against Malcolm MacDonald re obstruction of justice : “Plea of Guilty”

Angus Malcolm MacDonald – lawyer for Father Charles MacDonald and former Crown attorney, pleads guilty in Ottawa courtroom to charges of obstruction of justice.Judge B.W. Lennox gives him an absolute discharge.  The Crown attorney is Curt Flanagan, and Malcolm’s lawyer is R. Wakefield

 There are many more links to add to the David Silmser, but at this point I am trying to post in such a manner that that people can follow the scandal as it unfolded and become familiar with some of the  many names.

I will next add a page and information on Ken Seguin.

A few more trying days as I ploughed along trying to get  back together. One example of many:  the header I had been working on suddenly disappeared. Whoosh!  Gone.  I have not a clue where it went or why, and was unable to retrieve it.  I threw together the current header – will get to work at fixing that up later, but for now will carry on getting text, articles and links posted.

Father’s Day tomorrow.  Hope the weather locally cheers up/clears  a little for all those who plan to BBQ 🙂  We’ve had our fair share of rain here – I was actually happy with that as, in anticipation of the rain,  I had just crossed my fingers and thrown a bag-full of grass seed over our patchy sad looking front lawn.  Sunshine without rain would be nice for Father’s Day 🙂

Enough for now,


Enough for now,


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