Carson “was” …

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Carson Chisholm is dead.

I just had a call relaying the bad news of Carson’s sudden and unexpected death yesterday.

I am in shock.

Those who followed the saga of the Cornwall sex abuse scandal and cover-up know Carson.  Carson was Perry Dunlop’s brother-in-law.  He was Helen Dunlop’s brother.

I can not believe I am speaking in the past tense.  Carson “was”…

Yes, Carson ‘was’ witty, loyal, candid, brilliant -he was a character – and he was a fighter – and he was such a big teddy bear 🙂   It was an honour to have known him.  I have many fond memories of time spent in Carson’s company, so many draw a smile.

My deepest sympathies go out to Helen and the large Chisholm clan.

I pray for the repose of your dear soul Carson.  May you rest in peace.

Funeral arrangements pending.


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8 Responses to Carson “was” …

  1. Sylvia says:

    The funeral Mass for Carson:

    11 am, Saturday 17 May, St. Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church, St. Andrews, Ontario

    Funeral arrangements are being handled by Lahaie and Sullivan Cornwall Funeral Home, West Branch, 20 Seventh Street West

    Visitation will be at the funeral home on Friday, 16 May from 2 pm to 4 pm, and 7 pm to 9 pm.

    Obituary from Cornwall Standard Freeholder

    CHISHOLM, Carson – died suddenly, doing the work he loved in his bush on Monday, May 12, 2014. Carson Albert Chisholm of St. Andrews West, age 66 years. Beloved husband of Julie Chisholm (Carroll) for 33 years. Cherished father of Mary Winn (Jordie), Carolyn, Luke, Jessie, John, and Martha Chisholm. Loving grandfather of Josephine. Dear brother of Monica McPhail (late Bill), Clancy, Gladys McDonald (Stuart), Gillie (Pauline), Byron, Colleen McPhail (Alex), Teresa Briere, Martin (Germaine), Helen Dunlop (Perry), Angus (Karen), Clarence (Colette) and Maureen Froats (Jeff). Dear son of the late Myles J. Chisholm and the late Monica (Wheeler) Chisholm. Predeceased by infant brother Myles. Survived by many nieces and nephews. Resting at LAHAIE AND SULLIVAN CORNWALL FUNERAL HOMES , West Branch, 20 Seventh Street West (613-932-8482) from 2 p.m. Friday. Funeral Saturday May 17, 2014 for Mass of Christian Burial in St. Andrew’s Church at 11 a.m. Interment, St. Andrew’s Parish Cemetery. The family will be in attendance on Friday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Carson was an active member and supporter of pro-life for many years. In lieu of flowers, Memorial Donations to Pro-life Cornwall would be appreciated by the family. Messages of condolence may be left at http://www.lahaiesullivan.ca127

  2. John MacDonald says:

    Carson is….a man who has left on indelible mark on my character to treat others with respect, dignity and a helping hand.

    Carson is….a man who’s witticisms will forever bring a smile to the faces of those who had the privilege to be around to hear them, and share in the laughs.

    Carson is….A man who we will all remember as a man with a firm handshake, a strong commitment to his beliefs, an unwavering stance and a razor sharp mind.

    Still hard to believe,
    John MacDonald

  3. John MacDonald says:

    Well, what to say?

    I attended the wake on Friday night and the funeral on Saturday. Friday night the line up was out the door and around the block (in the rain) of people that wanted to go in and pay their respects to Julie, the children, brothers, sisters and all the rest of the family.

    I had an extremely difficult time the closer that I got to the casket. I suppose “surreal” is about the only word that I could use in this instance to describe my thoughts. I had NEVER seen Carson motionless. In truth I was fully expecting him to pop up at any moment, give that unforgettable laugh of his “Ha Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”, and then he would wait for, and love the reaction of everyone that he pranked. THAT is Carson!! I had chatted with Gladys, Monica, and Teresa earlier when Steve and I were in the lineup. I stopped and spoke to Julie, what an amazing lady. I then jumped ahead to Byron and Jeff, if anyone knew when Carson was going to reveal his prank it would be those two. The three of us could not release our handshake, I knew that all of us were feeling that same surrealism, the longer we clasped hands though the clearer it became. THIS is real!!

    Saturday morning, St. Andrew’s Church was full to capacity. It’s not the best of times to see and catch up with friends, but it was great to reconnect with Ellen, Cesar, Carmen and Steve (some of the core corp). How I wish that we all could have been there. At this time Sylvia I will say that I passed on your message of regret for yourself and Mike not being able to alter plans to be able to make it, and with it your condolences and shock at the news.

    We sat in the church and caught up with each other for a bit as the family had not arrived yet. Our banter was broken by the sound of the bagpipes, always chilling, always beautiful. It was a relatively quick mass. I stood with Carmen at the back of the church towards the end of mass and both of us noticed, and commented on the number of babies that fathers and mothers were carrying and cradling. Carson would have loved that.

    The core corp grabbed a table in the church hall for the luncheon. We shared Carson stories, Dick stories (it is 8 years ago that Dick passed away at the same age) and just stories. I miss these times, let’s not wait for an event like this to do it again.

    A few words to a couple that were not there….It would have been great to see you and catch up a bit…..BUT….I understand!!!

    (I am going to post an ode to Carson that his sister Teresa wrote. This ode was being handed out at the wake on Friday.)

    Still hard to believe,
    But sinking in through this thick skull,
    John MacDonald

    • 1 abandoned sheep says:

      Thanks, John, for giving this view of the wake and Funeral.. I never met Carson, but, after reading some of the things written about him, I wish I had.
      Isn’t it great that we are able to meet exceptional people from time to time- they make us see the greatness of the Creation of God in a different light! Thanks again

  4. John MacDonald says:

    Words from Teresa…..

    Carson Albert Chisholm
    December 13, 1947 – May 12, 2014

    Dear Carson,

    Well, we all knew that this day would come. One of us had to be the first to leave this valley. God must need you for his work in Heaven, your work here is done.

    The holy family have watched you in deep prayer at daily mass for a very long time. They must be pleased to have you join them. We pray that you are now or very soon will be whole again, at peace, no worries, tears of regrets. I envision you smiling that crooked smile surrounded by a choir of angels as they envelope you in welcome love. Love that we will never experience here on earth.

    We love you as we are capable Carson. We will miss you. We will remember fondly your kind generous spirit, your readiness to help everyone and anyone who asked for your help. You never seemed to notice much except their need for support and understanding. Fact is, you helped many who didn’t know they needed help or were reluctant to ask. A fierce defender of what was right, we knew where your loyalty was. We will miss your laughter. You were a special gift to our entire family. Always a loving brother, brother-in-law, son, husband, father, true friend and in Mom’s words “True Blue”.

    We gather today, sad, but giving thanks to God who has called you home to love and bless for eternity. LISTEN UP THOUGH – many of us will call on you for more help…..UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN.

    P.S. Just heard a loud Alleluia from a joy filled huge cradle, and I see them-the aborted children-but they are smiling as they rest in Our Mother’s arms.

    Peace Out, Shalom

    Written by Carson’s sister Teresa

    ( I will try to get a picture of Carson scanned and posted in the next few days)

  5. Christine Douaire (Wood) says:

    This is quite a shock, I’m so sorry . He was a fine, fine man who helped me out a few times, even though I was a total stranger. From him and his wife paying for me to take an assertiveness training course, to be able to get away from an abusive husband to helping me to buy a little hobby farm. He was one in a million and will be missed.

  6. Miecul says:

    You’re one in a million Christine who was able to meet someone like Carson. I never had the privilege to meet him, I’ve only heard stories. Rest in peace Carson.

    One of my hero’s of this era is Perry Dunlop and equally as much is his wife Helen, Carson’s sister. This one man with his wife at his side took on the great Canadian machine. Although it may look from the point of the government that he lost and he did loose almost everything. The one thing they could never take from him and Helen was their will to fight for children. My blood boils when I hear of anyone touching a child. There is right and there is wrong. I really don’t know how he kept his cool. If you haven’t read Perry and Helen’s story you should. Also read their transcripts from the Cornwall Inquiry. You might get some sense of what was going on right in our own backyard. It was evil at it’s best. Just because the Inquiry is over, don’t believe for a moment that it is. It’s up to all of us to stay vigilant and on guard and protect our children. Many thanks Perry and Helen and Carson. Hero’s each and every one of you.

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