Father Charles Picot has a court date tomorrow morning in Bathurst, New Brunswick:
28 April 2014: 09:30 am, “first appearance,” Bathurst courthouse, Bathurst, New Brunswick
I encourage those who are free to do so attend. As always, please keep the complainant in your prayers, and please blog or send along links to news of the outcome.
I posted a few more articles on the William Vahey abuse:
27 April 2014: “Child molester William Vahey applied for outside school activities with pupils” & related articles
and also posted the affidavit in support of the search warrant:
19 March 2014: Affidavidt in support of search warrant
They speak for themselves.
I was thinking how often I have heard of Father So-and-S0 pouring alcohol into young ladst, and the cases in which the boy comes to to find Father doing whatever. It’s the same thing really, isn’t it? the difference being that the Vahey victims would never reek of alcohol and would perhaps in most cases only recall vividly the delight of the cookie hunt, or cookie eating competition? And Vahey, as someone mentioned, came out if the lacing he boys Orio cookies with sleeping pills “hero”: when the boys were sick he’d be to one to take them off to their room, ensure they were okay, and then, of course, tuck them into bed.
Just diabolical.
I truly doubt that this is the way he has been molesting boys for all of these years, but, we shall see.
But, there’s enough stories starting to seep out of those who had concerns about this man, and there are stories about the boys talking, and of rumours circulating . Yes, there are those who thought the sun rose and set on Vahey, but we’re starting to get an inkling that not absolutely everyone idolized him.
And read through the warrant. The man was perverted +++ – but presumably he managed to fool and beguile a lot of people. Just a charming lovely man.
I read all of this about Vahey and can not stop thinking of St. Mary’s International School in Japan. Vahey taught at a number of International Schools around the world. SMIS is an internayional school. And look at what we already know about about foreigners (Canadian Brothers in this instance) teaching at St. Mary’s International School in Tokyo.
Perhaps a little more on SMIS tomorrow – I need to think about it all a little more
Enough for now,