Little bit of everything

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A little bit of everything…

First, for those who have been waiting, the status on court dates:

(1)  Father Daniel Miller

Father Miller, who entered guilty pleas in June 2013 to charges related to sex abuse of children,  is facing a second set of charges.  The new charges were laid last November (2013) .

There was a judicial pre-trial hearing  on 16 April  charges which was not open to the public.  As a result of that hearing there would be a new court date set.  I am trying to get that next court date – still awaiting a call-back from the Pembroke courthouse.  I called again this morning and left another message.  As soon as I have news I will pass it along.  Some times updating court dates goes quickly and smoothly, and other times,… well, other times it does not 🙁

(2)  Father Daniel Moreau

Father Daniel Moreau, facing child-porn related charges since March 2013,  had a court date yesterday.  His next court date is:

09 June 2014:  2 pm. “orientation,” Sorel-Tracy Quebec courthouse, Quebec

It is over a year since these charges were laid.  Surely we will start to see some movement soon – either toward a guilty plea or trial?

(3)  Father Charles Picot

This is a heads up for those who may be thinking of attending the next court date for twice-convicted clerical molester Father Charles Picot on the new charges.  Father Picot’s next court date is:

28 April 2014:  09:30 am, “first appearance,” Bathurst courthouse, Bathurst, New Brunswick 

Bob Jensen blogged a few days ago asking if anyone is planning to attend and wondering if it’s worthwhile going with Picot being “infamous” for missing court dates.

This upcoming court date is listed right now as “first appearance,”  but that could change, and even if it is for first appearance it is true enough that Picot may not show up, or, with him in Montreal arrangements may be hammered out to allow his lawyer to speak on his behalf?  It’s always hard to know whether showing up is a ‘waste of time.’  Sometimes there is information to be gleaned, and sometimes the defendant does show, but, sometimes it’s just it’s all over in the twinkle of an eye and those who attend are left scratching their heads wondering what it was all about.

So, it’s hard to know what will happen.

(4)  Marcel Lalonde

A reminder too that twice – or thrice? –  convicted former Catholic Cornwall school teacher Marcel Lalonde has a court date next Tuesday:

29 April 2014:    09:00 am, courtroom #2, ”to set date,”  Cornwall, Ontario  courthouse (29 Second St. W.)

It is unknown what a date is to be set for.

Please, as always,  keep all the victims and complainants of the above in your prayers.


Some news from Nunavut…

The judge in the Eric Dejaeger omi sex abuse trial is planning to have the trial wrapped up during the week of 26 May, and will not hear the Crown’s arguments for similar fact evidence until after closing arguments.

23 April 2014:  Nunavut judge wants to finish Dejeager trial on week of May 26

Is this good or bad?  As far as the outcome of the Nunavut  trial is concerned, I have no idea.   I just fervently hope and pray that justice is done.

And, lest we forget, there are still charges in Edmonton to which Dejaeger must answer.  In fact, there is a one-day preliminary hearing scheduled in Edmonton, Alberta for 31 July 2014.

31 July 2014:  09:00 am, preliminary hearing, Edmonton, Alberta courthouse (booked for one day)

Dejaeger will have to be in court for that.  If, for whatever reason, he is unable to attend, the preliminary hearing will have to be cancelled and rescheduled again.

This whole criminal process has been very difficult for all Dejaeger victims and complainants and their families.  Keep them in your prayers.


 I want to draw attention to the following items posted in the past two days:

(1)  Deposition of Archbishop John Nienstadt (Archbishop of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.  I have posted both the transcript and the entire video of the five-hour deposition.   It is unusual to have opportunity to view an entire deposition.  I decided to post the three-part video to give those who are interested opportunity to see how the process plays out. :

02 April 2014:  Archbishop John Nienstedt Deposition (VIDEOS OF ENTIRE DEPOSITION)

02 April 2014:  Deposition of Archbishop John Nienstedt (Archbishop of the Archdiocese of St. Paul Minneapolis)

I have watched only parts of the video – had it playing while I carried on with other business.  Given the opportunity I shall try to watch the whole thing from start to finish.

(2) 30-year-old priest with Diocese of Albany charged

A Father James Taylor has been charged with endangering the welfare of a minor.  There are few details but the allegations date to October 2013-April 2014.  Taylor was ordained in 2012.  He would have been around 28 and the girl 13 when they first met.  Here is the article:

23 April 2013:  “Albany-area priest charged with inappropriate conduct with a child” & related articles

(3) Theft charges

A Catholic priest and parish administrator have been charged for allegedly stealing almost $700,000 from a church in the Archdiocese of Detroit.

 Father Belczak was removed from the parish a year ago while he was under investigation, however, he  has been permitted to offer Mass in various churches in the archdiocese.  According to an Archdiocesan spokesman, because of the shortage of priests Archbishop Allen Vigneron granted permission for Belczak to celebrate mass several times in the past 15 months.  Here are the articles:

23 April 2014:  “Priest and Parish Administrator Charged with Stealing from Troy Church” & related article

(4)  Jail for Monsignor/ former CEO of St. Luke’s

Monsignor Edward Arsenault, the former CEO of St. Luke’s Institute in Maryland, has been sentenced to at least four years in jail for stealing $300,000 from Catholic Medical Center in Manchester, the estate of a dead priest, and a John McCormack, the former Bishop of Manchester Diocese.

(St. Luke’s is much like Canada’s Southdown – a psychiatric facility for Roman Catholic priests, nuns and brothers dealing with alcohol, drug or sexual problems.  The institute came under the limelight back in 1987 when it became known publicly that it’s founder, Father Michael Peterson, was an active homosexual who died of AIDS.)

Arsenault allegedly spent much of the stolen monies on a lavish lifestyle and the man with whom he had an “inappropriate adult relationship.”  Here are the articles:

23 April 2013:   “New Hampshire ex-priest gets jail time for thefts” & related articles

 By the way, Monisgnor Arsenualt is not an “ex-priest,”  he is still very much a priest in the Roman Catholic Church.

Enough for now,


This entry was posted in Accused or charged, Canada, Child porn, Clerical sexual predators, Cornwall, homosexual, Non clerical RC sexual predators, Scandal, Treatment centres, Trials and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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