One year in jail

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One year jail and one year probation for Father Joe LeClair:

Father Joe sentenced to 1 year in jail


Father Joe LeClair has been sentenced to one year in jail and one year probation.

LeClair pleaded guilty in January to fraud and theft totalling $130 thousand, taken from his parishioners at Blessed Sacrament Church in the Glebe.

Crown lawyers had sought 18 months jail time with two years probation, while the defence sought a conditional sentence of 18-24 months.

During his January court appearance, Father Joe apologized to his victims and said he was seeking counselling for alcohol and gambling addictions.

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2 Responses to One year in jail

  1. Mike Fitzgerald says:

    Thank you so much for pursuing the Archdiocese on behalf of Mr. McGrath. I too am disappointed in the archdiocesan response to your query, but am not surprised.
    I can also sympathize with Mr. McGrath in his reluctance to deal directly with the archdiocese – can any of us blame him? They’ll take his information, tell him what a good Christian he is, and then sweep the whole damn thing under the rug.
    I would expect much more from the leader of a large archdiocese than this. Where is the Christianity that they so loudly profess? Mike.

  2. JG says:

    It seems easier to get a jail sentence when there are dollar signs involved…It is probably easier for our Courts to “measure” this type of offense. Victims of sexual abuse, even when the proof is overwhelming, don’t have the luxury or empathy of the bank account “transgression”…
    He’ll definitely “charm” everyone in jail and be a “model” prisoner….$130,000.00 is a good salary for one year(serving only 1/6 of the time!) and he’ll have support to better his education….probably a councilor or a therapist when he comes out and he’ll always be a priest!
    Who ever said crime doesn’t pay! …
    He’ll show up in a “recycling bin” somewhere, probably the Vatican, as the bank controller???….if we consider the church’s historical logic: if you abused children you simply transferred somewhere else sacred to continue your sick “craft”. If you stole money, you should be sent somewhere to steal some more, with blessings also!
    Happy trails, Joe! [sic]
    (The reality of it all can sound so cynical when it has become so typical!)

    Mr Mcgrath, I wish you well and all the courage you will need. Mike says it well, no one can blame you. Just know that the “lines are open” and you are heard.

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