Click here to access PBS Frontline’s “Secrets of the Vatican” 84 minute documentary.
I just watched. Most is not new, but none-the-less an extremely disturbing watch. There is in-depth coverage of Father Marciel Maciel scandal. Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ, was a known sexual predator. Nothing was done. So many turned a blind eye leaving Maciel free to molest countless boys, including his own sons?
The inference is that nothing was done because Maciel and the Legionaries brought large amounts of monies into the Church. That well may be, but if indeed that is the case what does it say of the faith and holiness of those prelates who remained silent? Silent while countless children for countless years were wilfully placed at risk? Silent at the sacrilege committed every time Maciel offered up the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with those sullied hands?
What kind of shepherd would remain silent under such circumstances? Certainly not a holy man of God.
And what of those priests in the Vatican who have the sheer audacity to offer up the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass the morning after engaging in an all-out orgy. Another sacrilege.
And more silence.
Sad to say, when it comes to the sex abuse scandal I see no real sign as yet that Pope Francis is going to clean house. And, by clean house I mean defrock them all. Every single one of them. Such a purge is long overdue. Catholics are at the very least entitled to be assured by Church officials that it is known – as far as is humanly possible – that the priest in sanctuary or wherever he may be is not a molester.
We also are entitled to a similar assurance that the priest offering up the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass or hearing confessions has perhaps spent the past evening and perhaps a good part of the night engaged in an all-out orgy.
I think too that there really is no need for us to know, as was done in the video and is frequently done elsewhere, that Father So-and-So defines himself as homosexual, – but a chaste one. If Father is indeed chaste, why would he want to tell the world he is homosexual? That has never made an iota of sense to me.
Anyway, do set aside 90 minutes and watch.
I had some bad news yesterday. Paul Likoudis is undergoing surgery today at the Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY: removal of a large malignant tumour and colostomy.
Some of you will know Paul as a long-time reporter with the Wanderer, a US-Based national Catholic weekly.
Others may remember that Paul Likoudis and the Wanderer were sued by Fathers Bernard Cameron, Rejean Lebrun, Ranald Roderick MacDonald, Kevin Joseph Maloney, Donald Bernard McDougald and Gary Ostler and Bishop Eugenet Philip Larocque after after publishing “Storm Tossed House – Pending arrest of Pedophile expected to implicate bishop.” (Click here for article in pdf)
The suit was filed against James Bateman, Internet Inc., Pual Likoudis, Alphonse J. Matt Jr., Wanderer Printing Company and Tera-Byte Dot Com Inc. (Click here for further details re the lawsuit)
Paul, and American, kept a close eye on the Cornwall sex abuse scandal and cover-up, and he kept Wanderers readers informed of the goings on in the Weave Shed throughout the Cornwall Public Inquiry. Some will recall Paul’s account of the CPI “trial” of Constable Perry Dunlop
And yes, it was Paul who informed Wanderer readers across the USA and Canada about Perry’s incarceration. Had it not been for Paul many would never have known.
Indeed, Paul wrote many an article bringing Wanderer readers up to date on the scandals in the Roman Catholic Church in Canada.
And, given the coverage of Father Marciel Maciel in the Frontline video, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Paul and the Wanderer did an expose of the Legionaries a good number of years ago, and in turn suffered a huge backlash from readers who flatly refused to believe Father Maciel was a problem and promptly cancelled their subscriptions.
I believe it goes without saying that Paul has been a friend to victims and has done what he could to expose the sex abuse scandals and cover-ups in the Church. I know without a doubt that a number of you will remember him.
From a purely personal perspective, Paul is now a very dear family friend.
I ask you all to please keep Paul and his family in your prayers during the difficult days which lie ahead. There are of course the serious medical concerns which we all understand. Those I am sure are exacerbated by financial concerns.
So prayers please, for Paul and his family. They are needed.
Enough for now,
Thank you for saying it like it is! Until the church “cleans house”, it will continue to fall.
It is my hope that the pope (or whoever) gets rid of these vermin. They’re a cancer with no cure.
I agree completely with you in that personal sexuality should have NO bearing whatsoever on the priesthood. If you take vows of celibacy and chastity, keep it in your pants! If you can’t, get out of the priesthood! Mike.
There is one way I can see a priest bringing up his homosexuality. I agree, on the whole no one needs to know or hear about a priest’s sexual orientation, and talking too much about it suggests his energies are misdirected. However, I can see that one might wish to make a point that, no, gay priests are not, as some Catholics mistakenly believe, all sexual predators or sexually promiscuous, and offer himself as an example of one who has kept his vow of chastity.
B, do you also believe in the tooth fairy?
Sylvia you said: “…that Father So-and-So defines himself as homosexual, – but a chaste one. If Father is indeed chaste, why would he want to tell the world he is homosexual? That has never made an iota of sense to me.”
It may never made sense to you Sylvia but what a nightmare it caused me.
Having a priest tell me in the confessional that there is no gay priests in the Pembroke Diocese that threw me in a tail spin. I couldn’t understand why this priest lied to me about that. There were gay clergy. When I told the priest on another day,… ‘sure there’s gay priests Father because I went to confession at another church and that priest is gay and God loves him just as well as all the other priests.’
That’s when hell broke loose so to speak. This priest wanted me to give the name of this gay priest, ask me many times over about giving him the name if I didn’t named this gay priest I was an hindrance in the progression of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. I said NO. He was angry and I was in tears.
I was naive and innocent way back then. I had recently been told my son is gay. As a mother of a gay adult son I was able to pick up some vibes from certain clergy. I just don’t understand it Sylvia but I did.
My son didn’t realize the state of mind I was in then. He would share with me some personal stuff. He seen gay clergy from the Pembroke Diocese in Toronto at different places where gay people would gather.
Since that close call I had with that priest who wanted me to ‘out that gay priest’, my son thought it would be better not to share any more info with me about the gay Catholic clergy. I don’t blame him.
I found out later on,…’it was well understood the Catholic Church do have many gay clergy but that topic was taboo, off limits and it was best just not to talk about it.’
For me it was not well understood but eventually I come to realize it’s true just as they said in that video documentary.
What a mess I got myself into but eventually things got better and I did learn many life lessons.
I think I understand what you’re saying Lina, but I still believe there is no need in the world for a priest to tell the world he is homosexual, …but chaste. Heterosexual priests don’t tell the world that they are heterosexual, but chaste. Heaven knows there are a fair few priests who would be considered heterosexual who have molested little girls and sexually assaulted teenage girls.
What is the point of priest who lives a chaste life telling everyone he is homosexual?
What about this? What if paedophile priests decided to tell the world that they area paedophiles, but chaste. I think if you pay heed to what is happening out there these days you can see that’s the general direction we’re heading.
A few years ago I had a long talk with a homosexual about a priest who was living a homosexual lifestyle. That homosexual told me that he had told “Father” any number of times that he (Father) had to make up his mind what he was going to do, either be a priest, or live as a homosexual. That man had absolutely no problem telling me that “Father” was a hypocrite and living a lie. He told me a lot of things. He also told me that if I ever disclosed his name he would kill me 🙂 And I believed him. I still do.
But, where do we go on all of this? A homosexual can see it. He didn’t say that Father could be a priest and be homosexual and be chaste. He said either “Father” should either be a priest or live as a homosexual. In his mind it was an either or.
I don’t want to see the day that every priest in the sanctuary has the desire or feels the need to tell the flock that he is what ever gender, …and chaste. I’d just like to know/believe/think that he is chaste.
Sylvia, having a gay son doesn’t mean I’m an expert on homosexuality. I may have some limited insights than other folks may not have but I will respond to your post as honestly as I can.
Sylvia says: “I think I understand what you’re saying Lina, but “… I still believe there is no need in the world for a priest to tell the world he is homosexual, …but chaste. Heterosexual priests don’t tell the world that they are heterosexual, but chaste.”
I tend to believe the Catholic Church’s hierarchy agrees with you. They rather not dwell on the large number of gay priests/clergy in their ranks. Maybe it’s better to let the people believe gays priests are just a small in numbers? It seems to me they are ashamed of these hard working priests that are very good at what they do. There is nothing wrong in acknowledging these priests and have a chance to put a positive spin on the priesthood. To open a window for fresh air to enter. Then again the Catholic hierarchy seems to have this inability to deal with human sexuality in an emotionally healthy way.
Sylvia says: “Heaven knows there are a fair few priests who would be considered heterosexual who have molested little girls and sexually assaulted teenage girls.”
I agree.
Sylvia says: “What is the point of priest who lives a chaste life telling everyone he is homosexual?”
This should be the job of the Roman Catholic Church’s hierarchy to explain to their followers regardless of whether their priests are heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual, as long as they live a celibate life and follow the teachings of the Catholic Church therefore Catholics should not be afraid of these priests.
Sylvia says: “A few years ago I had a long talk with a homosexual about a priest who was living a homosexual lifestyle.”
Correct me if I’m wrong Sylvia, I believe you meant to say the priest was having sex?
Sylvia says: “That homosexual told me that he had told “Father” any number of times that he (Father) had to make up his mind what he was going to do, either be a priest, or live as a homosexual.”
Meaning…’That homosexual’ the gay man is having an affair with a Catholic priest?
Sylvia says: “That man had absolutely no problem telling me that “Father” was a hypocrite and living a lie.”
I get that.
Sylvia says: “He told me a lot of things. He also told me that if I ever disclosed his name he would kill me 🙂 And I believed him. I still do.”
I believe you were very courageous Sylvia and dealt with a very difficult personal situation the best way you knew how and what is VERY important you kept yourself SAFE.
Sylvia says: “What about this? What if paedophile priests decided to tell the world that they area paedophiles, but chaste. I think if you pay heed to what is happening out there these days you can see that’s the general direction we’re heading.”
Thank goodness Sylvia the message is getting across to people today that they are learning to tell the difference between being gay and a sexual predator, molester and pedophile. Thanks to many gay people coming out and telling their stories. As well many different studies by health professional telling us more about homosexuality.
Sylvia says: “But, where do we go on all of this? A homosexual can see it. He didn’t say that Father could be a priest and be homosexual and be chaste. He said either “Father” should either be a priest or live as a homosexual. In his mind it was an either or.”
I just don’t know why this particular gay person would say that about the priest. You said in your post this homosexual person (‘He told me a lot of things’). It’s obvious by those words there’s more to this sad story than I can ever comprehend.
I’m sorry Sylvia but I’m not comfortable to make further comments on that.
Sylvia says: “I don’t want to see the day that every priest in the sanctuary has the desire or feels the need to tell the flock that he is what ever gender, …and chaste.”
I think people are wise enough Sylvia and do have a good idea if their priest is gay or straight and that’s not the problem as long as their priest do the right thing which means follow the Catholic Church’s teachings about priests having no sex.
Any priests that will not remain celibate and chaste then it would best for them to leave the priesthood. If a Catholic priest continues with his sexual escapades well let just say…it will not have a happy ending.
Sylvia says: ” I’d just like to know/believe/think that he is chaste.”
Many Catholics would agree with you on that Sylvia.
The story I was referencing is on this site Lina. I perhaps should have referenced it but saw no need. I was mistaken. Here’s a link: Friends in High Places
I talked to a lot of people in LGBT community when I researched that story Lina. All were extremely helpful. One homosexual told me he’d kill me if I revealed his identity. That was when we were saying our goodbyes. I had guaranteed his anonymity. He trusted me. He talked. He had a moment of doubt. That’s all. Barring getting pages and blogs up on time, I keep my word. He won’t be killing me.
Your correct I didn’t know about this material:”Friends in High Places”.
I realized when you put a happy face sign in that one spot there had to be more to your post. thoughts were:
‘I hope Sylvia doesn’t think that every gay male goes around and talks like that one male she spoke to.’
I should have known…lol.
I didn’t want to ignore your post to me. I decided anyway to answer your post in a very delicately sort of way.
Thank you for clearing up this misunderstanding Sylvia.
Sylvia, your ‘Friends in High Places’ article is a great piece of journalism. I’m still reeling from reading it, and it helps me to recognize why it would have been too difficult for me personally to be part of the church from the time I left in 1991 to the present.
14 years after your article, is Mark Buckley still in ministry and what became of McKerrow? The questions you ended with are all relevant today.
I’m simply horrified!
Thanks Leona.
Barb McKerrow died 29 April 2011. She was nearly 87.
After many years of legal action Barb received a paltry few dollars from the Diocese of Peterborough. She settled only because her health was failing – she no longer had the energy to fight, and she wanted a few dollars to leave to her grandchildren. I blogged “May she rest in peace” the day I found out that she had died.
Father Mark Buckley is teaching at a public school in Calgary. I believe he’s Principal. Until two years ago he was still a priest. I don’t his current status .
A sad story.
“Friends in High Places”…excellent work!
Yes, very interesting but not at all surprising. Just a confirmation as to HOW some get away and where the collusion filters in…I am left with an “underlying” nagging feeling that there had to be some ” blackmail” involved “in high places”…
You don’t cut off your own right arm unless the only other choice is to have your head cut off!…
That’s the rest of this age old story…!!?? in my humble opinion.
… and as I continue reading this evening, after viewing the Frontline doc “Secrets of the Vatican”, I am brought back to an observation I did not understand at the time I heard my Father spit it out in a very sarcastic way, about JPII’s time as a “youth councillor” after the war… and his insinuation of “inappropriate” behavior. That was before I knew he had been abused by a priest. As observed in the treatment of the monster “Maciel” in this documentary, if there wasn’t a darker side to this “man” in a robe there was certainly the problem Sylvia resumes so well, and I quote:
“What kind of shepherd would remain silent under such circumstances? Certainly not a holy man of God.”
To many he is already considered a Saint.
A holy man of God would have acted differently and not have allowed one more minute of danger for any child! He chose “to look the other way” as have many others before him…
In doing this, or in doing nothing, they “look the other way”, as Peter did…
Surely they should have learned by now…
“I do not know Him!”…
JPII…first denial…
Benedict….second denial…
Francis…. ?…
It seemed obvious to me after watching that documentary that JP II was responsible for aiding and abetting a crime. Anyone who was abused by Maciel after the vatican was informed of Maciel’s character was both a victim of Maciel’s duplicity and JP II’s as well.
I had JPII on a pedestal too for a very long time. Funny how when all that was secret is now being revealed. Below is a list of the Popes and the ones that were made a saint. Seems in the early days almost every pope was made a saint. Also if you have the time to watch a 2 shows they’re called Christianity the first 1000 years and Christianity the Second 1000 years. Both about 3 hours long. During the first 1000 years it was said that a woman never went into St. Peters alone, less she’d be raped.
Making JPII a saint I think, is to take away from the real story of what’s going on. How many people\catholic’s would watch the show or the other one, that was here a couple of months ago named, Sex Crimes and the Vatican both on YouTube. The Vatican is a sex cesspool being revealed. I’m not saying they’re all bad but if they don’t cut the rotten part of the apple away, well you know what happens.
What chance and how much power does the Pope Frances really have. This will be revealed hopefully in the next year. If it hasn’t happened in this next year,don’t hold your breath. The church is really hoping that all these news shows won’t be seen by the populous of the congregation. Then there are those that would never believe even if it was staring them right in the face. They’re called drones, their eyes are glued closed. God help them. The one’s that are keeping silent are just as guilty. Did Christ keep silent.
List of Popes
Christianity the First 1000 years
Sex Crimes and the Vatican
Thanks for the links, Miecul.
The “First 1000 years” especially interesting as it echos or sheds some light on what we heard about the dark ages…I have been reading an old book published in 1983, about the “Crusades”, from an Arab point of view. The author is Lebanese, Amin Maalouf, and I find it horrible that in the name of Christianity such barbaric crimes were perpetrated over hundreds of years…You would think that this “superior species” would have learned something in one thousand years, regardless of race, “skin color” or religion…We are all “family” in the beginning…and in the end!!
The author, Maalouf, in the last line of his comment on the back cover writes:…” Religion, how many crimes in your name! History, how many lessons learned! But then again…”
As a follow-up to Frontline’s documentary which aired last February, Radio [and] Television of Ireland aired last Sunday March 9th an outstanding investigation of Maciel and the Legion. In it, former and present Legion members disclose how Maciel bribed, cajoled and manipulated not only Jean-Paul II but every Pope since the 1950’s. They all knew about Maciel and they all allowed him to get away with it.
See it here:
I watched this. I really feel like I am at the point of no further insights. You can either: get cynical, or, continue to fight for the truth.
I am confused and disgusted about the state of the Catholic priesthood. I respect Sylvia’s clarity about Catholic priest de-frocking – as it is a tangible sign from the Vatican, and it is so far lacking.
On a personal note, I am dealing with a charming seminarian who, in a time of family difficulty, has used my family, and my frail, elderly parent, for tens of thousands in donations – in a kind of friendship. We were all a part of his priestly “formation” apparently.
You’re strong, Sylvia. And you are just the person to do this.