Allegations against Canadian brother in Japan

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There is yet another courtdate tomorrow morning (Tuesday, 11 February 2014) for Father John E. Sullivan:

11 February 2014:  9:30 am, courtroom #101 “to be spoken to,”  North Bay, Ontario court house (360 Plouffe Street)

 If anyone is free to attend please do so.  I know it often seems like a waste of time when these things go on and on and – and often it is – but sometimes significant things do happen.


Please, as always,  keep the complainant in your prayers.  This revolving door in the courthouse has been going on now since June 2014.  As those of you who have been down this road know all too well, it’s difficult.


I have added the name of Brother Lawrence Lambert fic to the Accused list and opened up a page with further information.

As you see, this alert re Brother Lambert came from the Principal of the prestigious St. Mary’s International School in Tokyo.  Saburo Kagei sent a letter to parents, and a group who set up a blog regarding a labour dispute got a copy of the letter and opted to both post the letter and create a forum for discussion.  Good for them.

And, as you can see, Brother Lawrcne Guy Lambert is a Canadian-born Religious Brother with the Christian Brothers of Christian Instruction.  The order was founded by Jean-Marie de la Mennais and Gabriel Deshayes.  The brothers are also known as La Mennais Brothers or Mennasians.

The brothers in Japan are part of the Canadian province of the order which is headquartered in Quebec.

Brother Lawrence Lambert is often referred to in Mennasian publications as Brother Guy Lambert.  Prior to heading overseas in 1959 he taught at the following schools:

– St. Charles de Mandeville for one year

–  St. Yves de Pointe-du-Lac (Trois-rivieres, Quebec) for two years

–   Lafleche de Grand-Mere for two years

–   St Marc of Shawinigan, Quebec for one year

If anyone can fill in any more details please pass them along.

Enough for now,


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