Reasons for Judgment posted

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Justice Timothy Ray’s Reasons for Judgment in the conviction of Father Rene Labelle is  posted:

17 January 2014:  Reasons for Judgment (Father Rene Labelle conviction)

Due to the publication ban on the victims name I have identified the victim and his family and friends by initials which are NOT the initials of their names.  I have also redacted portions of the judgment which I think might identify the victim.

Over the next few days I will be blogging my observations on the trial.  There are a number of things which I really want to pass along.  I may have mentioned this before but will say it again:  this is a reminder to everyone that charges can be laid and successfully prosecuted when ‘only’ one victim comes forward.  I also want to encourage anyone struggling with sex abuse allegations again Labelle to contact police.

Enough for now,



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2 Responses to Reasons for Judgment posted

  1. Elle says:

    Sylvia: I had messaged you once before on the situation regarding Fr. Paul Hamilton by [deleted]. I haven’t read anything regarding this case in a long time. It’s almost as if Fr. Hamilton has disappeared from the earth. Have you heard any news in the past three months?

    • Sylvia says:

      I’ll see if I can find out what has happened Elle. Lawsuits are unfortunately very difficult to keep tabs on, and can take several years to reach a settlement or trial. I must rely on someone close to the case to keep me updated.

      If anyone knows the status of this lawsuit would you please contact me privately or post a comment?

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