A bit strange

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Father Robert Couture did indeed recently  pursue a B.Ed.  I’m uncertain still as to where , and also uncertain as to what academic year he pursued these studies.

Since attaining his teaching credentials he has been affiliated with the French Catholic board so it’s very possible that he opted to go through Ottawa U where there is a French-language program available.

It’s also known that Father Robert Couture was back in and around the Windsor area doing his practicum (practise teaching), but what year that was is still uncertain.

And, as I blogged elsewhere, I have been told that Father Couture was ‘doing’ a maternity leave at the Catholic school in Stony Point Ontario.  He started teaching grade 4/5 in September 2012.  That’s what he was doing when he was charged.  (I don’t mean by that that he was literally in the classroom teaching and the police came in to charge him!  I have nothing at all to say that that was the case, – but he had been teaching at the school until such time as he was charged)

This raises several questions:

(1)  Who did Father Couture use as references to get into the teaching program?

(2)  Officials in the Diocese of London knew after the first audit that there were financial irregularities.  They knew more after the independent audit which concluded a minimum of $169,000 was missing.  Did no one feel obliged to advise professors or whomever at the university that there were serious concerns of theft related to Father Couture?  And, once police were called in, did no one feel obliged to let officials know that Father Couture was now under investigation?  And what of when he was doing his practicum in French Catholic schools in Essex County?

I don’t know.  I’m trying to think it through.  What would be the proper procedure in a case such as this?

(3)  The big question for me is this:  What prompted Father Couture to go on a Leave of Absence back in 2010?  and, was the plan then to head off to attain his teaching credentials? or, did that come later?

It’s all a bit strange.

As I learn more I will make note.  I am interested in hearing from anyone who can fill in any of the gaps here.


In case anyone missed my comment, the trial date for Father Rene Labelle has been set for the week of 13 January 2014.

That’s a long way away, but, at least there is finally a trial date.

Please keep the complainant and his family in your prayers.


I have been told that the Archdiocese of Moncton, New Brunswick posted a paid ad in local papers last Saturday advising that the Bastarche Conciliation process is closed.  I am told that amounts of $15,000 to $300,000 have been paid to victims.  The victims are gagged as to the amounts received.

The total amount paid out has not yet been disclosed.

If anyone has further info please pass it along.  And, yes, I would love a copy of the ad which appeared last Saturday.  Can anyone get it?  I just can’t get that online.


Snow is nearly all gone.  It’s nippy out there.  But, the birds are singing and fluttering around getting down to the jobs of building their nests.  Hopefully another week and we can really enjoy Spring .  I foolishly decided two weeks ago I was finished with winter coat and winter boots: I nearly froze to death the few times I have been out and about since 🙁   I wish I could say lesson learned 🙂

Enough for now,


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2 Responses to A bit strange

  1. DCT says:


    In response to one of your questions about Robert Couture’s teaching credentials:

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