Father Jacques Faucher has a court date tomorrow (12 March 2013) at the Ottawa, Ontario courthouse. I unfortunately don’t have the start time but it will probably be 8:30 am or shortly thereafter in courtroom #5. Those who attend these cases will know that a whole list of cases go through courtroom #5 everyday. Father Joe LeClair, for example, has had a number of court dates in courtroom #5 since last July; his case was always called first, at 08:30 am. When it’s not the first on the list the cases are often called alphabetically, and things usually move very quickly – with rare exception it’s remand after remand after remand.
If you do go to the courthouse check at the desk to be sure of the courtroom number.
Please, as always, keep the complainants in your prayers.
I will keep an eye and ear out for media coverage – if anyone has news from the courtroom or sees or hears something in the news, please pass it along. I think it will simply be the setting of a another date, but, one never knows……
Enough for now,