So very very Canadian

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There is a continuation of Father Rheal LeBlanc’s pre-trial hearing this morning (Friday, 22 February 2013) in Windsor, Ontario this morning.  This is NOT open to the public.  However, on Monday 25 February 2013 there is a court date ‘to set further dates.’  The Monday court date IS open to the public:  10 am, Welland Courthouse, Welland, Ontario (102 East Main Street).

Father LeBlanc was charged with possession of child pornography December 2011.  Surely to goodness there should be something substantial happening in the not too distant future, either a preliminary hearing to determine if there is enough evidence to go to trial, or, if he opts to forgo the latter, a trial date?


Two court updates in case you missed the comments I posted elsewhere:

(1) Father John Sullivan

The next court date for Father John Sullivan is:

28 May 2013: 09:30, courtroom #101, “to be spoken to,” North Bay Ontario courthouse

As I said when I posted the update, by my count that’s no less than eight trips through the revolving courtroom door since August past.

And as PJ said: “So at what point does the judge say enough is enough?”

Amen to that PJ.

(2)  Father Eric Dejaeger omi

There are two upcoming court dates for Father Eric Dejaeger, both related to his Edmonton Alberta charges: one a pre-trial hearing  which is closed to the public, and the other, many many months away, a preliminary hearing:

(i)  31 May 2013: Pre-trial hearing – NOT open to the public

(ii) 02-03 December 2013:  Preliminary hearing, Edmonton, Alberta courthouse.  You may recall that there was a two-day preliminary hearing scheduled for December past which never got off the ground.  Well, these are the new dates.  Next October!

Now, Father Eric Dejager should by all accounts be otherwise occupied at the end of October.  His trial in Nunavut is scheduled to start 22 October 2013.  The Nunavut trial is scheduled for 10 weeks.  Yes, that’s right, 10 weeks.

My math says therefore  that Dejaeger’s trial in Nunavut will scarce be half-way through in early December.

I believe it is highly doubtful that the dates for the Edmonton preliminary hearing were set without consulting the Crown and/or court calendar in Nunavut.  I suppose it’s possible, but usually there is consultation between jurisdictions in cases such as this.  So, what’s happening here?


Speaking of court dates…

I have new dates for the trial (R. v. Hartnell) at which I was supposed to testify 27 February 2013 in Victoria, British Columbia.

05 & 06 December 2013!

Ten months away!

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, should I?

Speaking of going to Victoria, my husband and I should have been airborne right now.  If all had gone as originally planned we would have been on our way.  And if all had gone as planned I would have found a way to be in Victoria for the Father Philip Jacobs verdict on Monday, 25 February 2013.  But, the best laid plans…

And in fact it is questionable if we would have been heading out all.  My husband arrived home last night complaining he was terribly cold.  Yes – temperature :(.  Chills and fever all evening and night and staying home today.  This is a sequel to a bit of a cold he had been fighting during the week. So, good we had no big plans to go anywhere 🙂


An update, such as it is, on the suspension of Father Jack Hanna, the Basilian priest recently suspended in Houston.

There have been no call-backs to messages left at the Archdiocese of Gelveston-Houston, nor from messages left Nick Tammaro, with the Director of Communications at St. Thomas High School.

I contacted Father Kevin Storey csb, President of St. Thomas High School by email.  The following emails were exchanged:


From: Sylvia [mail to:  my email address]
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 2:06 PM
To: Storey, Fr. Kevin
Subject: Father Jack Hanna

Dear Father Storey

I operate a website and blog:  Sylvia’s Site:

As you know I am sure these are very difficult days for Roman Catholics who practise their faith, and these difficulties are compounded when we learn time and again that we have been lied to and/or deceived by Church officials and/or those in positions of authority. I realize too that as a consequence these are difficult days for all clergy who are now painted with the same brush as are their brother priests who are wolves in sheep’s clothing, either because they are predators or because they covered up for and protected these clerical predators.

You recently alerted alumni to the fact that Father Jack Hanna has been suspended.  I have several questions Father:

(1)  Are the allegations historic?

(2)  Does the complaint allege that Father Hanna

(i) molested a minor? or

(ii) molested a teenager? or

(iii) sexually assaulted or made unwanted sexual advances toward an (a) adult male, or (b) adult female? or

(iv) engaged in what would legally be referred to as a consensual sexual relationship with an (a) adult male, or (b) adult female?

(3)  Is Father Hanna currently receiving treatment?

(4)  Have parents at St. Thomas Aquinas High School been notified of Father Hanna’s suspension, and, if not, is it your intention to so advise them?

(5)  Did Father Hanna ever serve in Canada?

(6)  Is Father Hanna in Canada now?

Thank you for your assistance Father.


[phone number]


From: Storey, Fr. Kevin []
Sent: February-20-13 5:43 PM
To: ‘Sylvia’
Subject: RE: Father Jack Hanna

Dear Sylvia,

Our school has issued a statement on this difficult matter.  We will not be making any further statement at this time, thank you.


Fr. Kevin Storey, C.S.B.


St. Thomas High School


From: Sylvia [mailto:my email addressa]
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:24 PM
To: Storey, Fr. Kevin
Subject: RE: Father Jack Hanna

 Would you please send me a copy of the statement Father, or a link to access it?  I have looked online and am unable to find it.

Thank you,



From:Storey, Fr. Kevin []

Sent: February-20-13 8:27 PM
To: ‘Sylvia’
Subject: RE: Father Jack Hanna

The statement was the one quoted on your blog which I sent to the alumni, thanks, Kevin


From: Sylvia [mailto:my email address]

Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 1:35 PM

To: Storey, Fr. Kevin

Subject: RE: Father Jack Hanna

Do I understand correctly then that the same statement sent to alumni was sent to parents of the St. Thomas HS students Father?


I have had no response to my email of yesterday.

Where is the transparency here?  This is so very very Canadian.  I truly did not expect this in the States.  Perhaps it’s because it’s the Basilians? is that it?

What’s going on?  Where is the media coverage of the suspension?  Don’t tell me that there are no St. Thomas High School alumni in Houston.


Enough for now,




This entry was posted in Accused or charged, Basilians, Canada, Clerical sexual predators, Scandal, Trials and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to So very very Canadian

  1. Mike Fitzgerald says:

    So very Canadian indeed, Sylvia. Obviously Fr. Hanna has not been suspended for skipping school, or such. it is obviously much more serious than that.
    I fail to understand the need for secrecy. The only reason I can see is either liability, or embarassment, or a combination of both.
    They could have at the very least let you know if there is a connection here. Mike.

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