Father Linus Bastien had a court appearance in Chatham today. This was to be his first appearance on the Chatham, Ontario charges laid in November. Does anyone know what happened? Is there any coverage anywhere yet? Is there any talk of merging the charges from the two jurisdictions?
I see I also need to update his next court appearance on the Windsor Ontario charges. I will check into that tomorrow and let you know.
Please, as always, keep the complainants in your prayers.
I have been trying in vain to get the following CBC TV clip downloaded so I can post it on the site. I will continue, but for now, here is a link so you can watch it and catch the latest:
Note that it is known that one victim of Father Yvon Arsenault went to the archdiocese in 1998 and spoke to Archbishop Leger about his, the victim’s, allegations against Arsenault.
Why was Father Yvon Arsenault allowed to continue serving as a priest in the Moncton Archdiocese after 1998? Did the archbishop and whomever else was aware of those allegations back then decide they weren’t credible then, but that they are now? is that it?
I have posted several other articles related to this story:
02 January 2013: Moncton Archdiocese suspends priests
Father Despres retired in 1992. He would have been in his early 60s? Why did he retire so early? Does anyone know? Were there health issues of some sort? or, was he perhaps reported?
I get the impression from this that, although retired, Father Irois Despres may well have been saying or assisting at Masses and possibly hearing confessions? That would not be at all unusual but I don;t know if in fact he was. Does anyone know if that is the case?
02 January 2013: Two New Brunswick priests removed after allegations of sexual abuse
The articles on the above page are basically all the same – I posted several to show that media across the country are picking up and running the story online. The few which I have posted here is by no means exhaustive – there are many. I hope they each will follow through with an article in their print editions.
I was hoping to get a page together for Oblate priest Father Joannes Rivoire today. I may be able to get it done this eveing – if not it will be my first order of business tomorrow. Rest in Peace Marius.
I have updated the Father Joe LeClair page and legal calendar. Father LeClair’s next court-date is 09 January 2013: 08:30 am, courtroom # 5, Ottawa Ontario courthouse.
I will also do my best this week to find out what happened with the Father Eric Dejaeger preliminary hearing which was scheduled for 20 & 21 December 2012 in Edmonton, Alberta. To my knowledge there has been nothing int he media
Enough for now,
Sorry all, but the CBC link is broken. Baspuit posted the same link elsewhere on the site – same problem. Hopefully the problem can be resolved later today.