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An update on court dates:

(1) Gabriel DelBianco

Ex priest from the London, Ontario diocese turned counsellor Gabriel DelBianco has a trial date set for 15 October 2013.  Nearly a year!

Keep the complainants in your prayers.  That is a long long wait.

(2) Father Rheal LeBlanc css

Holy Cross Father Rheal LeBlanc had a pre-trial yesterday, and today (Wednesday 28 November) has a court date at the4 Welland, Ontario courthouse to set a date.  The pre-trial would not have been open tot he public.  The court should be open for the setting of a date, but it will probably be over in a jiff, and may amount to no more than setting another date to set a date.  I am not sure what date is being set.  It could be trial date, but could also be setting a date for a preliminary hearing.

If anyone attends today or hears the outcome please pass on the word, both the next date, and, if possible, wha6 the date is for.

(3)  Father Daniel Miller

There were two more days of examination for discovery for Pembroke, Ontario priest Father Daniel Miller this week:  Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th.  These were not open to the public.

Father Miller’s next scheduled court date is 11 December 2012 when there will be a teleconference with judge.  Unless there is a plan to enter a guilty plea this date could result in a committal to trial in the Ontario Superior Court.  We shall see.

(4)  Albert LeBlanc

Five-and-a-half years behind bars for ex priest  from the Diocese of Yarmouth Nova Scotia, Albert LeBlanc:

23 November 2012: Former priest sentenced to five-and-a-half years

Well done all of you men who found the  courage to speak up and ensure that the world knows that Rheal LeBlanc is a molester.  For decades he got away with it and lived a lie:  He is finally behind bars where he belongs.   Well done!

As I said elsewhere, I don’t think five-and-a-half years comes close to what he deserves, but it’s better than the paltry two years meted out to convicted Basilian molester Father Hod Marshall. Strange how it all becomes relative, isn’t it?  Two years seems an eternity aside a conditional sentence, and five-and-a-half years seems an eternity aside two years.

We settle for so little.  Seems we have little choice.

(5)  Father Piotr Sanczenko

Father Piotr Sanczenko’s next court date is 10 am, 25 February 2013 at the Chatham, Ontario courthouse.  As on 19 November 2012, this is to set a date for trial.

Father Sanczenko, a priest with the Diocese of London, Ontario,  was charged in March 2010.  His next court date will be nearly three full years since charges were laid.  I always worry about Charter challenges when I see cases dragging along like this.

Keep the complainants in your prayers.  They must be extremely difficult for them.


I am not out of the woods yet 🙁  It’s been a truly chaotic few days, but things are settling down, enough that I could finally open up the computer last evening and get things updated.

Enough for now,


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