Fill in the gaps

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Yesterday, as promised, I posted a page on Father Arthur Carragher, the Irish Spiritan clerical molester (Holy Ghost Father) who landed in Canada in 1970.  Father Carragher served with the Spirtans in the Diocese of Hamilton Ontario.   (The Spirtans are also known as the Holy Ghost Fathers)

I thought Father Carragher had arrived in Canada in 1971 and stayed here until his death in January 2011.  Not so.  Somewhere around the mid 90s, and for a period of about five years, his address is listed as that of the Parochial House in Armagh (N.Ireland).

Why I wonder did he head back to Ireland for those years?  And why, I wonder, did he return to Canada?

My information on Father Arthur Carragher’s years in Canada are rather limited.  If anyone knows any more about his time in Canada, both while he was serving in the Hamilton Diocese, and his years living at the Spiritan House in Toronto, Ontario, would you please get in touch with me (email to:  I really would like to fill in some of these gaps.

I have been in touch with Mark Healey who was sexually abused by Carragher in Ireland; he is away from home right now but will be in touch upon his return.  I am hopeful that Mark will be able to fill in some of the gaps and tell me and all of us a little more about this particular recycled wolf in sheep’s clothing.


Please note that Father Daniel Miller‘s upcoming dates for Examination for Discovery are definitely NOT open to the public.

It has taken me some time to get a final answer on this.  I tried without success and finally decided that the only way to get a ‘for sure’ answer would be to contact the Crown attorney handling the case, Jason Nicol.  I left a message on his answering machine.

Today I received a call from Brendan Crowley, Senior Coordinator, Media Relations for the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General.

The Examination for Discovery scheduled for 08 -09 November 2012 and 26-27 November 2012 is NOT open to the public.   As I suspected, it will not be conducted in the presence of a judge.

I will check on the 11 December 2012 date at the end of the month.  It sounds as though this will be open to the public, but I would really like to wait until the Examination for Discovery is over to be sure of what lies ahead.

Enough for now,


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