I really must take a break and post this bombshell:
12 October 2012: “Cornwall police officer charged for child luring” & related articles
To be honest, I’ve don’t believe I ever heard the name Pascal Rossingol before. I did however hear of and am sadly quite familiar with the Cornwall Police Service. I can figure out too that Const. Pascal Risingol was working with CPS while the $60M Cornwall Public Inquiry was under way and, with rare exception, one tap-dancing CPS officer after the took the stand and testified. I can also figure out that Const. Risingol was working with the CPS throughout the persecution, prosecution and eventual 2008 incarceration of former Const. Perry Dunlop.
I know too that Staff Sgt. Garry Derochie has been with the CPS for a good 35 or 36 years. I thought he had retired? Did I not hear that somewhere along the line? Or was it that a couple of years ago he was about to retire?
If he did retire, he’s back – there he is:
Anyone with additional information about this investigation is asked to contact Staff Sgt. Garry Derochie at (613) 933-5000 ext. 2411.
Now why is Sgt. Garry Derochie the contact for an investigation which was handed over to the Quebec police? Yes, true enough, from what we read the allegations were first reported to the CPS, BUT, the CPS turned it over to the SIU, and then the SIU turned over to the Quebec police.
Why then is Sgt. Derochie the contact man for anyone with any further information? Did the Cornwall Police not turn it over? What does CPS have to with this now?
For that matter, why is the CPS involved in an investigation of one of its own in any way, shape or form? The CPS does not exactly have a stellar track record in these sort of investigations, does it? I think even Justice Norman Glaude would concur with that. He may not exactly say it that way, but I think that generally speaking and without pointing too many fingers or holding any single soul accountable, he would have to concur.
And yet, here we are: Pass on any info you might have about this investigation to: Staff Sgt. Garry Derochie
Is this sort of a damage control thing?
I truly do not understand what is going on here at all.
Nor do I understand why tax payers’ hard-earned dollars should have been lining Constable Rossignol’s pockets for the past two years (while he was under investigation). Or why those taxpayers will probably be lining Rossignol’s pockets for another 12 to 24 months while these charges wind their way toward trial.
Finally, if I am honest here I must say that there is a part of me that wonders if someone didn’t ensure that the lid went on these allegations back in October 2010.
Think about. Justice Normand Glaude was getting his final report ready to present – probably putting the finishing touches to it. Can you imagine the impact had word of these allegations gotten out into the public domain back then?
Enough for now,
What ever happened to Const. Pascal Risingol .. I can find no record of it anywhere past the charges?