Ocean front property

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Two court dates for tomorrow, Tuesday, 09 October 2012:

(1)  Father Philip Jacobs

Father Philip Jacobs long awaited sex abuse trial starts tomorrow morning at 10 am in the Victoria courthouse, Victoria, British Columbia.

I encourage those who are within driving distance and free to do so to attend, both to be there as support for the complainants and their families, and to hear the evidence and become familiar with the court process.

As always. keep the complainants in your prayers, and please pass on news of what happens.  If you do attend please be sure to find out what is and is not under publication ban.  Now that the case is at trial all evidence should be in the public domain and those in attendance should be free to report what they see and hear.  However, there will probably be a publication ban on the names of the complainants and anything which might readily identify them, and, unless the judge rules otherwise,  the publication ban covering testimony at the preliminary hearing will probably still stand.  So, please try to get into the courtroom before things start.  The judge will outline what is under publication ban.  Listen carefully.  If you miss it, or are confused, ask someone so you are absolutely sure .

Finally, for your information, for a few weeks after his arrest Father Jacobs lived on the on the shores of the Juan de Fuca Strait.  A beautiful beautiful location, and this courtesy of a Bruce Lemire-Elmore, a parishioner who  gave Father Jacobs housing while Jacobs and the diocese searched for a suitable place for him to reside.  (As previously reported, Mr. Lemire-Elmore also posted bail for Father Jacobs.)

I suppose predators such as Father Philip Jacobs have to live somewhere, don’t they?  but I must say when I saw pictures of the spot and I couldn’t help but think that, for a known American predator now facing sex abuse charges in Canada,  Father Jacobs,  fared exceptionally well for himself. I can’t imagine a nicer place to wile away the hours.

I personally think Father Jacobs should have been behind bars pending trial, and then of course there would have been no possibility of a mini sojourn/vacation by the sea, but that didn’t happen.  He got out on bail.

There is a recent and sad story related to this property and its owner.  In late May of this year Lousie Lemire-Elmore, wife of  Bruce Lemire-Elmore, died in a tragic car accident.  Her car careened off the driveway on their property and plunged into the sea.  Here’s an external link to a news report of the accident.   There is no mention of Father Jacobs in any of the media coverage, but, yes, that is where Father Jacobs stayed for at least a brief spell.

I am sure the past few months have been extremely difficult for Mr.  Lemire-Elmore. Such a terrible terrible tragedy.  I wish such heart-ache on no one.  May God have mercy on the soul of Louise Lemire-Elmore.  May she rest in peace.

(2) Father John Sullivan

There is another court date for Father John Edward Sullivan in North Bay, Ontario tomorrow.

Father Sullivan’s last court date of 04 September 2012 was adjourned to tomorrow.  We learned after the fact that Father Sullivan was in hospital in Montreal.  I don’t think Father Sullivan will be in that North Bay courtroom tomorrow, and I do fear that his lawyer will be in court arguing that he, Sullivan, is too sick and frail to stand trial. I hope for the sake of the complainants that that is not the case.

Please keep the complainants in your prayers, and please pass on any news you hear of the outcome of tomorrow’s proceedings.


Well, we had our big Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday – a lovely day.  And, today family back for supper to enjoy leftovers.  As usual I had cooked a  big turkey – it’s nearly gone 🙂 Well, the breast meat is pretty well  gone – there’s still at least one good meal, maybe two, of the dark meat.  And, then that’s it.  Back to sorting out what to cook for supper 🙁

Enough for now,




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