Two court dates

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Two court dates tomorrow (Monday, 01 October 2012):

(1) Father George Smith

Corner Brook, Newfoundland courthouse (82 Mt. Bernard Ave.).  This is to deal with  eight charges (Smith already entered a guilty plea 10 September to 35 0f 63 charges)

I encourage those who can do so to attend.  Please keep the complainants in your prayers, and please, as always, pass along news of the outcome.

Sorry, I don’t have the start time but think it will probably be in the morning.

(2) Father Eric Dejaeger

1:30 pm,   Iqaluit courthouse, Iqaluit, Nunavut.

This is probably still to file to file indictment on 77 charges .  Let’s hope the job gets done tomorrow without further delay.

As always, keep the complainants in your prayers, and, as always, please pass on news of or links to news of the outcome.


We started painting the kitchen/dining area Friday.  Well, to put it mildly, it’s chaos in the kitchen! We ran out of paint last night – finishing the job with second coat is on hold till tomorrow,  with contents of china cabinet and counter tops strewn and spread in every nook and cranny around the house 🙂  A mess!

So, tomorrow I will be painting and, hopefully  putting things back where they belong, but keeping an eye on the site for reports on the the above two court-dates.

Enough for now,




This entry was posted in Accused or charged, Administrative, Canada, Clerical sexual predators, Scandal, Trials and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Two court dates

  1. Leona says:

    *Kitchen renovations are such a stressor! I’m sure it will be a huge relief when all is finished. I’m wondering if you’d been following the John Furlong story at all. (He was the head of the 2010 Olympic committee). It would be interesting to know who the Bishop of Prince George was when Furlong was there with the Frontier Apostles. What other oblates were in the Burns Lake area when he was there? 

  2. Michel Bertrand says:

    *I thought the same as you Leona when I heard the reference to the catholic system. I wondered if there existed a group of abusive males in the board/church/diocese he was teaching within and as a result felt free to prey on the local children. When in Rome do as Roman Catholic Priest/Bishop/Cardinal or Pope. I do suspect that the authorities might feel the need to develop a protocol in their investigation in order to uncover any actions that served to bury these crimes as in Penn State. If anything Dejeager is helping to understand that in sexual abuse investigation in small communities you must dig deeper and you have to consider the social situation that may be being manipulated. In this fellows case where else was he acting, or might he have been acting criminally.

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