Poor health?

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A little more on court dates.  I made comments on these elsewhere but will blog here to ensure everyone catches the news:

(1)  Albert LeBlanc

Ex-priest Albert LeBlanc’s sentencing hearing of Friday 17 August 2012 in Yarmouth Nova Scotia was adjourned to 23 November 2012.

According to media reports LeBlanc is in poor health and unable to make the trip from his home in Bouctouche, New Brunswick to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. There is a doctor’s letter which apparently states that LeBlanc is in poor health and/or unfit to travel.  Whatever his medical condition is is not stipulated.  When the judge asked LeBlanc’s lawyer if he was satisfied that LeBlanc had a medical condition which would temporarily prevent him, LeBlanc, from travelling, the response was:

“I can tell you, your honour, that I don’t have to speak to his doctor, I saw for myself and I’m quite sure the condition that he is in right now would preclude anyone from travelling.”

No mention of the medical condition, whatever it might be.

Note that the Crown and defence are considering a joint recommendation of five-and-a-half years.  I realize that it’s not a lot for the damage done, but it’s significantly more than Father Hod Marshall csb  two years.

No matter, it seems the object of the exercise now will be to have LeBlanc show up in court for sentencing so that he can actually be sentenced and then can actually spend some time behind bars for his crimes.

The victims must have been devastated to find out that sentencing  is adjourned for three more months.  Keep them in your prayers.

A good article on the latest regarding Friday’s adjournment here:

17 August 2012: Former priest’s sentencing adjourned

(2) Father Daniel Miller

I had every intention of being in the courtroom on Friday morning, but, I missed it.  It was at 9 am, not 11 am 🙁

But, the good news is that the four days for discovery have been booked for 08-11 November 2012.  There is also a court date booked for 11 December 2012 for “continuation of preliminary hearing.”

This is foreign to me.  I don’t understand how there can be a continuation of a preliminary hearing when to my knowledge a preliminary hearing has not begun or been booked prior to that date. I will check into this to see if I can get it sorted out.

Also, I entered the venue for the examination for discovery as the Pembroke courthouse.  I actually don’t know if it will be held there or elsewhere.  In Ottawa examinations for discovery are done in facilities equipped and staffed for that purpose away from the courthouse.  Pembroke may be the same, but I just don’t know. I will check into that too.  No matter where it is held it won’t be open to the public so it really makes no difference where it is, but I will check and report back.

A final comment here.  The examination for discovery is unusual in criminal cases.  It is routine in civil actions (lawsuits) but, to my knowledge, is rare  in criminal cases.  So, I am also going to try to find out why the examination for discovery so we can all understand what is happening.

(3) Father Rheal LeBlanc

Has anyone any news on the outcome of Father LeBlanc’s court date of Friday 17 August 2o12?

If there is no news by Tuesday I will try to get the next court-date.

Enough for now,



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