I attended court in Pembroke this morning for the Father Daniel Miller court date. It has been rescheduled again. The new date is this Friday, 17 August 2012. My understanding of what transpired is that attempts are being made to set four days for discovery. In order to set the dates ‘they’ need to know which dates are available and/or satisfactory for Father Miller’s lawyer, Robert Carew. As of court time this morning Mr. Carew had not made contact regarding dates. Someone will apparently be in touch with Mr. Carew and things are supposed to proceed again this Friday at 11 am or shortly after (courtroom #1). With any luck this time dates will be set so that things can proceed.
This has to be so terribly frustrating for the complainants. Keep them in your prayers.
I will check tomorrow to find out what is happening re the Father Mark Sullivan charges. It’s strange that there hasn’t been a word.
I will also check to get the next court date for Father John Sullivan (Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario)
In addition to Father Miller there are two court dates coming up on Friday, 17 August 2012. Please mark your calendars and do try to attend:
(1) Albert LeBlanc
Sentencing hearing, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia courthouse.
I will get and post the start time tomorrow.
(2) Father Rheal LeBlanc
09:00 am, “to set a date,” Welland Courthouse, Welland, Ontario (102 East Main Street)
I headed off to Pembroke this morning fully anticipating I would be be home around supper time. Well, it was quite a day
After court I headed off for lunch at a friend’s home out in the Pembroke area. This is one of the silver linings for me. It was a beautiful drive, and such a pleasant visit.
Then it was off to pick up my husband at the Park N’Ride. Well, it just so happens that two dear friends are celebrating an anniversary today. We wanted to pop by to offer our best wishes and be on our way. That was five hours ago. There were brothers and sisters and children visiting whom we have come to know so well over the years. A delicious supper, several stimulating conversations, several hours and few good laughs later we were on our way home. A lovely evening.
Some days the silver linings in the dark clouds abound. This has been such a day.
Enough for now,