Is it purely by chance?

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Nothing happening with the Father George Smith charges until next month. Smith wasn’t in court, and the lawyers were in and out in five minutes

05 March 2012: No plea from priest for Sex Charges (NTV – 05 March 2012)


Has anyone heard anything on the sentencing of Father Yvon Doiron?  Did it happen? or, was it postponed as well?


I`ve posted three pictures from St. Mary`s College yearbooks (the Excalibur).  St. Mary`s College was run by the Basilian fathers.  Both Fathers William Hodgson Marshall and Leo Campbell taught and served as Principal at St. Mary`s.  A lawsuit was launched last year identifying Father Leo Campbell as a molester.  Hod Marshall was convicted last year on 17 charges related to the sex abuse of 16 boys and one female: he is currently facing further charges from his time teaching at St. Paul`s High School in Saskatoon Saskatchewan.

Strangely there have never been charges from Father Marshall`s years at St. Mary`s.  Equally strange, although Patrick McMahon was abused by Hod both in the Soo and in Windsor, there were no charges laid in relation to the abuse he endued at Hod`s hands in the Soo at Crawley Hall

Anyway, from the Excalibur yearbook, the following:

(1) 1988:  The Basilian Community at St Marys College, Sault Ste, Marie, Ontario. (1988 Excalibur yearbook)

(2) 1988:   “A few words from our Principal…” Father Leo Campbell, Principal at St. Mary’s College, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario (Excalibur yearbook)

The man to the left is Mr. Staruk, then Superintendent of the Board

(3) 1985:  Father Hod Marshall message to students as outgoing principal and introduction of Father Leo Campbell as the new Principal at St. Mary’s College, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario (Excalibur yearbook)

Doesn`t this break your heart?` One leaving the post as Principal and the other stepping into his shoes!

And take the time to read Father Marshall`s message to the students.  Is it purely by chance that his mind is on the `incomparable statute of David`?

(4) 1983:  Father Tim Scott csb teaching at St. Mary`s College in 1983

And this is Father Tim Scott, the spokesman for the Basilians.  I don`t think I ever heard that he taught at St. Mary`s, but, there he is, one year before ordination, an associate with the Basilians, living in Crawley Hall and teaching at St. Mary`s.


For those who missed it, an update on the status of Father Patrick Slaney:

I received a call back this morning from Monsignor Franic Puddister, the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of St. John’s.

Here is what I learned about Father Patrick Slaney and what the archdiocese knows about him and is or is not doing regarding his status:

(1) Father Slaney is still a priest;

(2) Father Slaney is living in Toronto;

(3) Father Slaney is working in Toronto, but not as a priest;

(4) According to Monsignor Puddister, the Archdiocese of St. John’s is not sending Father Slaney any stipend, he’s on his own financially;

(5) Father Slaney’s ‘faculties” to say Mass and hear confessions were revoked after his conviction. That means he can not hear confessions or say public Masses;

(6) Father Slaney’s faculties to say Mass were not “suspended.” That means he can say Mass privately “for his own devotion.” Asked if that means Father Slaney could say Mass in my living room Msgr. Puddister was uncertain, but thought probably not. Asked if it means others could attend a Mass which Father Slaney offers in his own home, Msgr Puddister thought it might be alright for his, Father Slaney’s, family members to attend;

(7) There has been no attempt by the Archdiocese of St. John’s to have Father Slaney laicized. Monsignor Puddister believes that Rome would not grant such a request because his, Slaney’s, crimes are not as serious as some others;

(8) Monsignor Puddister thought there was ‘only’ one Slaney victim. He said he had not looked at the file for some time.  When I told him that, according to media reports there were two, he accepted my word;

(9) Monsignor Puddister was aware that Father Slaney was solicting for Mass stipends and intentions in the States;

(10) Monsignor Puddister did not know that Father Slaney was over in England in 2008 conducting a retreat for the Benedictine nuns at the Colwich Novitiate, hearing their confessions, and without doubt saying Mass;

(11) Monsignor Puddister did not know that Father Slaney has been working as a Chaplain on cruise ships;

(12) There have been no further sex abuse allegations against Father Slaney;

Monsignor Puddister agreed that Father Slaney has been misrepresenting himself to both the Benedcitine nuns and the cruise lines. He speculated on the need to send an alert to England. He will contact the Benedictine nuns to learn more and alert them, as well as to find out if Father Slaney has been there in more recent years. He will update me by email..


I had BIG problems with the site today – finally removed the fancy little comment button.  I think that may be the root of my problems over the past few weeks.  We shall see, but as soon as I deactivated it the black screen which had popped up out of nowhere disappeared.  We shall see…

Enough for now,


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One Response to Is it purely by chance?

  1. Sylvia says:

    It was brought to my attention that several links in the above article were broken. The problem has been resolved.

    Please report broken links to me. There is no point in having them there if they aren’t working and you are therefore unable to access the information

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