I have added a page with further information on Father Patrick Slaney. This is the priest I mentioned yesterday whom I thought was dead, or defrocked or out of the country, and then discovered that he was conducting a retreat in England in 2008! Father Slaney hasn’t been listed in the Canadian Catholic Church Directories since 1997 so it was a shock to see that he was still out and about and very much a priest.
However, I have now discovered that Slaney is apparently defiantly out and about of his own volition. There are actually warnings out about him across the United States, for example the following from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati:
“The Diocese of Manchester has advised the USCCB that Fr. Patrick Slaney, a priest of the Archdiocese of St. John’s, Newfoundland, has made solicitations for Mass intentions and stipends to Catholic faithful. Fr. Slaney has had no canonical faculties for many years following a criminal conviction for sex abuse. If further information is needed, please contact the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of St. John’s, Fr. Francis Puddister, at 709.726.3660.” (The USCCB is the acronym for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)
These warnings seem to date to troubles with Slaney around 2007. I did find the warning still on dicoesan websites, but find no indication that Slaney is still ‘at it.’ i.e., trying to get people to give him monies to offer Masses on their behalf – and he apparently has no faculties to say those Masses because he was allegedly stripped of his faculties some time after he was convicted back on 1993!
So, that was 2007. And then, in 2008, there he is over in England conducting a retreat for a group of nuns! and they think he’s a priest from Toronto!!. And he presumably was heading off after the retreat to spend a wee spell as chaplain on a cruise!!!
I tried to call the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of St. John’s Newfoundland to find out what exactly the situation is with Father Slaney. When I got an answering machine I decided to send an email instead. So, the email is away and I am waiting for word back. I doubt that I will hear anything until the beginning of the week, but, as soon as I do I will pass along what I learn.
Note that back in 1989 Slaney was arrested in Toronto “and had been working at a rehabilitation home for Roman Catholic clergy in Aurora, Ont.”
That would be Southdown.
What was Slaney doing ‘working’ at Southdown? And how long did he work there?
That aside, note how long it took to get his case to trial. He was charged in 1988, and was finally convicted in 1993. That’s because Slaney fought tooth and nail every inch of the way to elude the charges. His first effort was a claim that his Charter rights to a speedy trial had been violated. The court ruled in his favour. The ruling was appealed to the Supreme Court of Newfoundland Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal ordered a new trial. And then Slaney appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada!
An expensive proposition – all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.
Anyway, the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed his appeal, and back he went to trial. he was finally convicted.
Seven months!!! That was the sentence. Seven months.
Quite a saga, and it’s not over.
Enough for now
I know this Patrick Slaney from when we were growing up together in the town of St. Lawrence, Newfoundland.
The picture shown of him is ‘him’.
While undergoing training to be a “Brother” at the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd in Toronto in 1998 and 1999 Slaney often said mass for the brothers. The Brothers were aware of his background and yet still allowed him to say mass. Right after him was Brother Frederick who was a supposed priest, who also said mass, and was later arrested for possession of child pornography. The list goes on…….
Was Father Slaney living with the community Richard?
I wonder who gave him faculties to say Mass? His faculties were presumably revoked, and I can not imagine that the brothers retained him to say Mass without ensuring that he had faculties. But, perhaps I am in for yet another surprise?
Another question: Was he hearing confessions as well?
You mention a “supposed” priest who was saying Mass after Slaney left. What was his last name? Do I have his name on Sylvia’s Site??
he was saying masses in the irish centre run by brenda and marty cleary in fatima from2004 to 2006 they charged 10 euro per name a mass he was finally exsposed by fr gordon rip and agnes craig in 2006
this is the same fr slaney he was taken in by brenda and martin cleary who run the servants of mary irish centre iin fatima and said masses and pilgrims were charged 10 euro each one per mass he was there 2004 to 2006 until he was exsposed by the late fr edwin gordon the blind priest
His Middle name is Victor, not Joseph. He was defrocked during his initial trial.
The Canadian Press article of 29 October 1993 gives his name as Patrick Joseph Slaney. If you click on this link and scroll down the page you will see it.
Unfortunately, no, Father Slaney was not defrocked during his initial trial. Click on this link for my account of a 2012 conversation I had with Monsignor Puddister (Vicar General Archdiocese of St. John’s).
this is the same guy who sexually assault me when he was parish priest in St.Bernard’s Nl in 1985 i did not do any thing about it as it was a small place and i fell ashange but i am more older now and i knew now what he did was wrong so i am not going to let it past any more
You had your email address put in as your name. I think that was probably a mistake and not your intention. I have just given you “K” as a name, at least for now.
I am sorry to hear that you were abused by Father Slaney, but thankful that you now have found the courage to speak up.
Are you planning to go to police?
Whatever you do or plan to do, stay strong. Hold tight to that strength you have found.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hi thank u for your respond and not putting in my email i did contact that police today and call the archdiocese today
Good for you K. My thoughts and prayers, and I know those of so many others who follow Sylvia’s Site, are with you as you proceed.
Good for you! Head up high, shoulders back and be damn proud! Do what needs to be done and know that you don’t have to suffer in silence! In the process you will be doing someone some good, somewhere…You may never hear about him/her/them but they are waiting for you and your courage…
You are no longer a “victim” ….you are a “voice”!!
Look them in the eyes with “no shame”, NO shame, NO SHAME!!!
Leave that where it belongs, with your abuser and the “enablers”!!
Proud of you, and with so many others, right along for your journey to find PEACE…
Your “account” needs to be settled…speak up, loud and clear!
Thank you for keeping an eye on the where abouts of Pat Slaney. I too am ashamed of not coming forward to share my experiences as a teenager in St. Bernard’s, NL at the parish house. father pat was a family friend who treated me with respect but it turned out that after plying me with wine, introducing me classical music and offering me driving lessons, his real interest was deviant in nature. I was molested by him in the parish house while I slept. I feel horrible for not coming forward when others did and were dismissed. The embarrassment and shame
At the very least, some justice was meshed out. Please continue to provide up dates
The shame is not yours Peter. Put it where it belongs.
Hi Sylvia – I’ve been doing some research into Father Stanley’s criminal proceedings. Can’t seem to find any materials on him being ultimately convicted. Any idea where you got the information surrounding his conviction and his eventual sentence?
You mean Father Slaney, right? 🙂
Check on the Father Slaney page here – scroll down towards the bottom – there are two Canadian Press articles, one from 29 October 1993 which references his sentencing of seven months.