Two court dates tomorrow:
(1) Father Kenneth O’Keefe csb: assignment court – scheduled for 10 am court room #37 in the Ottawa, Ontario courthouse. Both time and court room number can change.
As always, if anyone knows the outcome pass on the word. Hopefully there will be a trial date set.
(2) Father Eric Dejaeger omi: appearance on his Edmonton charges – 9 am, courtroom #265, Edmonton, Alberta, Courthouse.
As I mentioned elsewhere earlier today, I spoke to Detective Barb Clover with the Edmonton Police Service Sexual Assault Unit today. There is another complainant from Edmonton and two more charges against Dejaeger. That is two complainants and four charges in Edmonton. Is is unknown if Dejaeger will be answering to those charge sin court tomorrow. At their request the gender of the two complainants is not being released.
Dejaeger is in segregation, meaning he is housed with other sex offenders apart from the rest of the inmates.
And, finally, the Edmonton charges and Nunavut charges will not be merged. Dejaeger will be back in Iqaluit for his preliminary hearing which is scheduled to start 20 February 2011. If Dejaeger is convicted in Iqaluit he will be shipped to Edmonton to face his charges there. (Assuming/hoping that Dejaeger is to go to trial on his Iqaluit charges I would imagine there will a few months or more between prelim and trial – he will therefore probably be sent back to Edmonton to carry on with those charges in that interval)
I understand that Dejaeger has a different lawyer handling his Edmonton charges. I was wondering about that. It would be astronomically expensive to ship a lawyer back and forth between Iqaluit and Edmonton while this is winding it’s way along.
I wonder who is picking up the tab for all of this? I am assuming it’s the Oblates, but I really don’t know and could indeed be wrong. But, if not the Oblates, who?
If anyone in the Edmonton area is free to attend tomorrow I am sure your presence would be greatly appreciated by the complainants.
Keep all the complainants in your prayers tomorrow. Court dates are always rough.
A more infromative article on the charges against Father George Smith:
15 December 2011: Priest turns himself in on sex charges
Nine complainants and 38 charges spanning the years 1969 to 1989.
Note that one of the complainants said that he was beaten into silence when he tried to speak up after he was first molested. I have no idea what that is about but am sure that, as always, there are many heart-breaking stories tied into all of these allegations.
I encourage anyone with allegations against Father George Smith to contact you local police.
A few days ago I said I would do a commentary on the Letter to the Editor which followed Monsignor Robert Borne’s conviction. I pulled the letter with comments interspersed out and posted it today. It is far from all that that could be said, but I really wanted to get a few things off my chest:
15 December 2011: Comments on “Forgive Us Our Trespasses” (Accused/Borne: Monsignor Robert Borne)
Enough for now,