Did the Archbishop perjure himself?

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I will spend time later today settling in to digest the contents of legal papers that were filed in the St. John’s court house yesterday.  It will take a little time, and the evening hours passed me by.  I want to make note of who knew what when about Father James Hickey.  If you missed the document, here it is:

21 September 2011:  John Doe vs Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of St. John’s 2011

I am sure Archbishop Penney is less than thrilled that this is now out in the public domain. It seems that the documents reveal that Penney knew about Hickey in 1980, yet testified at the Winter Commission that he knew nothing until 1987!!!

As I said in my comment elsewhere, if this is fact – and sounds as though it is!- and if Penney was under oath and did indeed perjure himself while testifying before the commission, then he should be charged.

From a Church perspective, whether he was or wasn’t under oath, if Penney knew in 1980 and lied then he should be laicized (defrocked).  We don’t need bishops lying to cover-up their own abject tolerance of clerical predators in their midst and in the process blithely and willfully putting trusting children at risk.

I’m sure there will be some circling of the wagons on this one!


I spent a good part of yesterday trying to sort out how a convicted molester managed to land a job at recreational centre frequented by children and young adults. Former Catholic school teacher Raymond Gareth (Gary) Stanford had been in the employ of the Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre for some time now – perhaps two years?  I like many wonder how in this day and age this could this possibly be?

Do parents in St. John’s know that a convicted child molester is working at the Sports Centre?  They certainly should.

I have been trying to find out if what is called a “vulnerable security check” is mandatory for organizations and businesses in Newfoundland which are frequented by children and youth.  It doesn’t seem to be, but I want to know for certain.  I am now awaiting a call back from the Child Youth and Family Services.

This whole process is raising a multitude of questions in my mind.  Best I see what I find out tomorrow before I say any more.

A question:  Who ‘owns’ the Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre?  Can anyone tell me?  I can probably find that info on line, but it might be fast if someone could tell me.  I am wondering if it is owned and operated by the city of St. John’s?


I haven’t heard a word about Father Linus Bastien‘s court date Monday past.  I will check on that later today.


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Father Konstanty Przybylski is now MR. Konstanty Przybylski.  Przybylski was laicized (defrocked) 12 June 2009 –  he was released from jail either this year or last year and is believed to have left the country.

That’s one less molester to sully the ranks of the priesthood.

I must commend the London Diocese for getting the job taken care of while Przybylski was behind bars.  I have no idea where he is, probably back in his native Poland.  The one small comfort here is that wherever he is he no longer has the benefit of his collar to seduce his prey. I will pray for him.

Enough for now,


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One Response to Did the Archbishop perjure himself?

  1. Ed Downey says:

    Regarding your post on Archbishop Penney.

    He is one of many in authority with the Catholic Church who has covered up for pedophiles in an attempt to preserve the power of the church.

    No one choses to be a pedophile and it may be in fact a pervertion that is very hard to control. However, those who knowingly hide them and thus allow them to abuse other innocent children are evil. They have willing chosen to allow innocent children to have their childhoods’ destroyed and in fact by moving these priests to other parishes have encouraged abuse.
    They are the face of evil.

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