Prelim tomorrow

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Preliminary hearing for Basilian priest Father Kenneth O’Keefe csb starts tomorrow morning at 10 am, court room # 10, Ottawa courthouse, Ottawa, Ontario. I encourage those who are able to do so to attend.  All being well I hope to go.  I would like to hear the evidence which is presented first-hand.


I have several articles from the St. John’s Telegram re Raymond Gareth Stanford which people kindly sent my way.  The problem is none of the articles will be legible if posted as is, and they are all too poor quality to put through OCR recognition.  I have tried to get assistance from the St. John’s Telegram : I had hoped that the articles could be sent to me, but,  no luck – no response to my email and calls, at least, not to date.

So, I have decided I will have to manually copy the text word for word.  I am working on that, but, it will take time 🙁 .   I will post them as I get them done.


Father Linus Bastien’s first court appearance is Tuesday, 01 November 2011.  I will be out tomorrow so won’t be able to get the start time.  If anyone knows the time would you please post a comment on his page, or send me an email at  I would like to get it up so that those in the Windsor area who are free to do so can make their plans to attend.

Enough for now,


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