It will curl your hair

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I have added a page for Paul Leroux .  Take a few moments to read it.  It will curl your hair.   I was told that Leroux was at one time planning to become a priest.  He came from Granby, Quebec.  Did he attend a prep seminary there?  Did he attend a seminary somewhere for a year or two before he headed to northern  Saskatchewan? Does anyone know?

Also, does anyone know what happened to the porn charges Leroux was facing in 1997?  I can’t find any outcome for those?  Did they just get swallowed when he was later convicted on the multiple sex abuse charges?

Can you believe that this man was actually hired by both Employment and Immigration and the Canadian Human Rights Commission in Vancouver, British Columbia  right on the heels of a conviction for sex abuse of a young lad in Inuvik?!!!

Anyway, it looks like these charges could be Leroux’ sequel to the horrors of Grollier Hall.  God help us.  The poor poor children who endured monsters like this.

I congratulate the former residents of Beauval Indian Residential School who, after all of these years, found the courage to speak up and see justice done.  Please keep them in your prayers.


I have also added the name of ex priest and former Spiritan Patrick Callaghan  to the Accused page.

Does anyone know the outcome of these charges?  They are fairly recent (2005) but I have been unable to find anything at all.  Was he acquitted?  Were the charges withdrawn?  or, was he convicted?

Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.


I had to get those two pages together and posted – that took up my day.  I will pick up where I left off with other things tomorrow.

Enough for now,



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