A pre-trial court date set for Father James Boudreau tomorrow: 09:00 am, Guelph courthouse, Guelph, Ontario. I think we should get an actual trial date from this. My understanding is that this will be a short session, just suffice to either confirm a date already set for trial or to pick a trial date, ….but, of course, one never really knows what will happen during one of these many court dates. There can be surprises!
Anyway, if anyone hears the outcome please pass on the word. And please, as always, keep the complainants in your prayers.
Ken Hills wrote an excellent letter to the Holy Father imploring immediate laicization of clergy found guilty of sexual abusing children. It is posted on the Father William Hodgson Marshall page and can also be read and commented upon on Ken’s blogspot
Well done Ken. Excellent letter!
I encourage others to follow suit: send a letter or email to Pope Benedict XVI imploring him to laicize all priest who are known to be molesters. You can also, as Ken suggests, send a letter to your bishop and/or your priest. Speak out. Things will not change unless people speak out.
The address for the Pope is:
His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI
Apostolic Palace
00120Vatican City
Email address is: benedictxvi@vatican.va
I have added pages for two more of the priests on the Accused list:
Note the two years for the sex abuse of three boys in the Archdiocese of Edmonton, and the conditional sentence when he was shortly thereafter convicted for sexually abusing two boys Irish boys he brought from Ireland to holiday in Edmonton,Alberta.
My heart breaks for all of the victims, but I really feel for those poor young lads from Ireland. Imagine! How devious can you get? Dragging them over to Canada on the pretense of great holiday only to molest them day in and day out!
Note too this man, a know and recycled molester, was packed off to study canon law for three years at Ottawa’sSt. Paul University. Within one short year of attaining his canon law credentials (1993) O’Neill was off preying on young lads in Ireland and had invited two boys over for a month-long visit! The boys were molested. Repeatedly.
He frequently took young Edmonton boys to Ireland with him, and likewise frequently brought Irish boys over to visit inCanada.
What of all of those young lads I wonder? How many did O’Neill get his dirty hands on? Where are they now? How are they coping?
Note too that his 1982 treatment reports from Southdown were ‘favourable.’ And that he was presumably under supervision upon his return. And that away he went on unsupervised camping trips with young boys.
It’s sickening. The number of lives ruined because this priest’s perversion was tolerated by Church officials. He was literally allowed to run amok among the trusting and innocent faithful who had not a clue of his ulterior motives, and not a clue that he was a known child molester.
And another tough sentence here. Five months! A five month jail-term for a priest who sexually assaulted a boy who went to him for counseling.
Five months! A pittance. An absolute pittance!!!
He would have been out and about in, what? about six weeks?
Vaseline rubs!!!
Sick, Sick. Sick.
Note that there were no less than 123 letters sent to the court by Catholics across Canada who knew Poirier. I get the impression they were probably all complimentary.
Note too that Poirier was in treatment centre of some sort in the States and left. And that it seems was just fine with Bishop Despatie: He simply put him back to work counseling!
The last WordPress ‘fix’ created a new and frustrating problem: groups of words run into each other. I can insert spaces between the words and sometimes it works, but other times not. On top of that, the spell checker in the program stopped functioning with the last ‘fix.’ I will have to wait for the next ‘fix’ to get this taken care of. So, if you’re wondering what’s going on and why words are jumbled together, it’s the darn software doing it’s own thing. I try to correct and fix where I can but at times it just is not possible.