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A guilty plea from Redemptorist priest Father Raymond Lavoie CSsR on the first day of his trial. 

11 July 2011: Quebec priest pleads guilty to sexual assault charges, asks for forgiveness

I had lost track of what was happening to the charges against Lavoie and in fact had just made mention of that fact to someone yesterday.  And, today an email with a link to the above article:  GUILTY.

Congratulations to all the victims who found the courage to come forward and see this through to the end.  We can now refer to Father Lavoie as what he is:  a convicted child molester.

Lavoie’s sentencing hearing is set for 28 October 2011.  I will update the legal calendar as soon as I sign off.


Lieve from Belgium is coming to visit.  She arrives tomorrow. And Michel, the former  social worker from Baker Lake, NWT, is driving eight-hours to meet up with us.  We are all excited at the prospect of finally seeing each other in the flesh and blood. 

And to think that we got to know each other because Father Eric Dejaeger fled justice in Canada!  Life is surely strange:)

Lieve will be with me for a couple of days, then she’s off to Iqaluit! 

I will keep an eye on things but will not be doing much on the site until Lieve is on her way for Nunavut.  If there are any breaking stories I will get them posted. 

Enough for now,



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