Another article on convicted child molester Father William Hodgson Marshall, this one in St. Lucia where he spent a number of years doing “missionary work.”
28 June 2011: Children’s Home Priest admits sex offenses!
This is a good article which will go a long way to getting the word out to those in St. Lucia who may have been suffering in silence for decades. My one prayer is that through this article word will reach any or all who have been subjected to Hod’s perversions.
And, speaking of media, by the sound of things, an article in the offing in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix.
Hallelujah! The people of Saskatoon need to know that a wolf in sheep’s clothing was preying in their midst. I believe news of Hod’s conviction will answer questions for some, and give courage to others.
Hod spent three years teaching Phys Ed at St. Paul’s Catholic High School in Saskatoon. Already we know of three former St. Paul’s students whose memories of Hod Marshall are less than fond.
Stay strong all of you. Know that there are many who follow this site who know exactly what you are feeling and who have been where you are at right now.
And, to those who just saw Hod convicted in Windsor, take comfort in the fact that others are drawing strength from all of you.
Keep your voices all of you. Each of you gives courage and strength to others.
My prayers are with you all.
I have added a page with further information on Father Paul Hughes
Hughes, a priest from the Archdiocese of Pretoria, South Africa, arrived in the Kingston Archdiocese (Ontario) in 1969.
There are allegations that by 1971 he was molesting a young lad.
This one is rather bizarre.
In 1978 the boy told a priest. The boy allegedly did not want diocesan officials told.
It seems the priest and another priest performed an exorcism on the boy. There was allegedly no talk of contacting police, nor was Children’s Aid Society informed.
That seemed to be it until 1995. Police were contacted. Charges were laid.
Hughes disappeared. Poof! He was gone!
A warrant was issued. Another clerical fugitive from justice.
There apparently is no extradition agreement between South Africa and Canada. That presumably meant that nothing could be done to bring Hughes back to face his accusers. And, no one it seems forced him to do the right thing and come back
It looks as though Hughes may have returned to Pretoria, but I’m not certain of that. However, believe it or not, in 1999 it was learned that the Government of Canada was sending out two monthly cheques to South Africa ….in Hughes name .
Can you believe it? Government of Canada cheques going out to a fugitive!
I am trying to find out more from the South Africa end of things. Specifically:
(1) Were there any allegations against Hughes before he came to Canada?
(2) Is he still alive? He would be in his late 70s or early 80s so may well be.
I would appreciate any further information anyone can offer.
I am now getting together a page of info on Father Barry McGrory (Ottawa).
Enough for now,
Hughes: What Government of Canada cheques is Hughes getting… Did Hughes become a Canadian citizen … Would citizenship be a way of dealing with the lack of extradition agreement… Probably not if SA citizenship remains intact but it might be of interest to know. (Remembering the Erik de Jaeger saga and its many twists and turns.)
I don’t know those details 1yellowknife, only what I read which is that there is no extradition treaty with South Africa. I don’t know either if Hughes took out Canadian Citizenship. But all of that aside, if there is no extraditon agreement then there is no onus on South Africa to ship him back. I have’t looked any of this up. If anyone can do a little digging and get back to us on this?
As I said, I am trying to get a contact in South Africa. I have another thought for that which I will work on later today.
All of that aside, is a fugitive from justice ‘entitiled’ to those government cheques? I can’t see why. I don’t see why a fugitive and suspect child molester is entitled to his entitlements. Should he not lose his entitlement to his entitlements when he thumbs his nose at the courts? If not, he should. That might get him back here in a hurry ….if, of course, he is still alive.