It gives me the willies

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Tomorrow (22 June 2011)  Father Levi Noel is scheduled to ‘to enter a plea’ at 09:30 am, Tracadie-Cheila court house, Tracadie-Sheila, New Brunswick.

I encourage those who are close enough to do so to attend to support the complainants.  Let’s us all pray for that justice is done.

Please post a link or give an update as soon as there is news.


I can find nothing online regarding the last court dates for Father James Boudreau and Gabriele Del Bianco,.  I gather that means that in both cases another court date has been set?  If anyone has any news of new dates please email me at – that saves me time J  If need be I will  check into it.. 


Two new postings today with comment

(1)  Father Joseph Lang

I did have Father Joseph Lang on the Accused list after all.  Due to a formatting glitch his name and the accompanying text  had slipped up.  I carried on anyway, rounded up some information, and have added a link to   a page with further information on Father Joseph Lang 

Amazing isn’t it?  The only reason the poor Catholic souls in the Diocese of Prince George, BC found out that they had a recycled clerical molester in their diocese was because the Diocese of Cleveland was forced to disclose how it had previously handled undisclosed allegations of clerical sexual abuse.  And lo and behold Father Joseph Lang’s name was on the list as a priest who had been shipped off to treatment following allegations he had sodomized a young boy.  Then the Bishop of Cleveland  “loaned” Lang – right across the border and right into the Diocese of  Prince George BC. 

It was Bishop Hubert O’Connor  omi  who took Lang in in 1988.  Three years later O’Connor resigned – after he himself was charged. 

Note the quote:   “Canadian bishops are now advising their U.S. counterparts on how to [handle the allegations] properly”!!

I think our Canadian bishops could learn a little from their American counterparts. American Catholic now have zero tolerance (on paper): we don’t.  American Catholics now have a modicum of transparency: we have none.

Alas. I don’t think the ‘progress’ in the States came from any advise offered by our Canadian bishops.  Were that the case, we would have zero tolerance (at least on the books) and  some transparency.

That begs the question: exactly what advice were the Canadian Bishops offering?

Note that Lang has been removed from ecclesiastical ministry.  This does not mean that he was defrocked.  He is still a priest, presumably/hopefully? Confined to a life of prayer and penance.  I have no idea where he is.  In a monastery? 

(2)  Father John Corapi SOLT

Look at this: 

21 June 2011: The Black SheepDog: Tuesday morning


This is getting ridiculous! 

Father Corapi is actually thinking of posting messages left on his answering machine by the woman who has allegations of sexual impropriety of some sort against him? 

I can not believe it! 

This is a priest?  A priest who claims he has been wrongfully accused? 

First he decides to leave the priesthood.  And now he’s contemplating posting these tapes, presumably to show the world how he has been wronged and how this woman is lacking credibility? And we can decide whether this woman “sounds sober and/or sane?” 

And he has looped two other clergy into this mess.  According to Corapi, Father James Flanagan, the founder of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity,  and Rene Gracida, the former Bishop of Corpus Christi, advised him to file the civil defamation suit! 

When Corapie closes with “We shall consider posting some of these audio clips in the future” does he mean he and Flanagan and Gracida?  Are Flanagan and Gracida  in on this novel idea of posting the audio clips? 

One more thing.  The picture of the Black SheepDog personally gives me the willies.  I personally find no comfort in it.  None. 

Where this mess goes is anyone’s guess.  But, something just isn’t sitting right here.  We will see what the ‘morrow brings…. 

Enough for now,



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2 Responses to It gives me the willies

  1. Owen says:

    As of today, I’ve had to stop (or at least really slow down) following this story. It just gets weirder and more divisive by the day. I was never a follower of celebrity clergy but when something takes place on this scale it’s hard to remain unaffected. I ended up expressing my thoughts through my art, sometimes it’s the best way for me to say something and move on. [link] As a former Protestant minister of many years it’s discouraging to see how many members of Holy Mother Church are divided among themselves though the Church remains “one”, holy, catholic and apostolic. Were it not for Jesus, our Eucharistic Lord who did me in, brought me in and keeps me in…well, I don’t even want to think about it. Lord, hear our prayer for all priests and for all souls in Your Church whom you have promised to never abandon.

  2. JG says:

    Oops!!…Should have read this tread before I commented on “accused”…didn’t need to read between the lines after all. I’m sorry for using the word “cunning”…seems you have only been wearing “rose colored glasses”. It is your right and protective shield!…There are already too many victims , you don’t need to feel that pain…
    Keep the color in your life, not just shades of grey…

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