Quite interesting

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A message to the victims of convicted Basilian child molester William Hodgson Marshall.

My apologies for staying at arm’s length to all of you for the past year.  I would dearly love to have contacted each and every one of you, however I did not want to risk jeopardizing the trial.  I would never forgive myself if personal contact with me was used by an over-zealous defence lawyer to let Hod or anyone else walk.  I therefore stay at arm’s length and provide what support and encouragement I can through the blog.  I don’t really feel comfortable having to restrict myself this way, but, I believe  I must.

My apologies to those who may have felt I was cool in response to a contact.  That is my rationale.

I must also admit that at times I feel guilty urging people to go to police. I know it’s not an easy journey, but I do believe it is necessary, both for your healing and growth. and to see that justice is done.

And, all of that aside, it was wonderful meeting you.  Unfortunately I didn’t have opportunity to meet everyone, and I am still trying to put names to faces, but it was a pleasure to meet those whom I did have the good fortune to meet in person.

I hope and pray that this is not the end of the road for you.  I hope and pray that you will each in some way do what you can to help others who are where you once probably were,: tormented by memories and enveloped in a shame which rightly belongs to the molester, not the victim.  You have closed another chapter in your book of life.  You are starting another.  As part of that new chapter I sincerely hope you will have the time and desire to reach out to others who are suffering, and/or to make whatever changes you feel are necessary to see justice done, and/or to ensure that children are protected, and/or to see the Church purged of molesters, and/or  to educate the public, the judiciary and/or law enforcement agencies about the horrific and long-term impact of clerical sexual abuse on a child..

There is much to be done.  Each one of you can make a difference.

The blog allows victims and others  to express their thoughts and fears publicly.  It serves as a tool for information gathering.  Through it we can all learn and grow.   Please keep in touch.  Help those who are just embarking on the journey you have completed.  Let us know how things are going now that it’s “over.”

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.


A question

Last Wednesday (09 June 2011) Defence lawyer Andrew Bradie referred to Hod’s years of “sobriety.”   In  it’s context I understood that he was referencing the claim that Hod has not molested since 1996 when he was treated at St. Luke’s Institute, Maryland.

Did I misunderstand?


Another thing which is niggling away at my mind…

Also on Wednesday last Andrew Bradie said that Hod had been abused by a teacher.  A teacher allegedly put his hand down Hod’s pants when Hod was a little  boy.

Bradie didn’t stop there.  He went on say that many who have been abused become abusers.

I have concerns regarding this increasingly popular line of thought.  I would agree that probably every molester has been molested, but I would not agree that most or even many children who are molested become molesters.

What does that say and do to the victims? to the majority of the victims who do NOT become molesters?

What was Bradie’s message to the victims sitting in that room?

Yes, by all means help those who have become molesters, but don’t lump those who become molesters with those who don’t.

Bradie also said that Hod always minimized the impact of the abuse on his own life, and, when he realized the impact, he empathised with his victims.

Meaning what?


Someone contacted me about another matter and asked as an aside if I was familiar with the Father Cameron MacLean charges and conviction

I had MacLean on the list of Accused.  I had not yet rounded up information on him to post as a page.

I decided to get that done.

I have now added a page with further information on Father Cameron MacLean.   In light of the recent conviction of Father William Hodgson Marshall scb this is quite interesting.

A few comments:

(1) MacLean is a priest with the Diocese of London, Ontario.  Ordained in 1969 he served in Windsor for a number of years

(2) MacLean was reported to Bishop Sherlock in 1981.  No action was taken.  MacLean continued to serve as a priest in the London Diocese

(3) I don’t know how many years MacLean served on the Liturgical Commission.  He is listed as member in the 1973-74 Canadian Catholic Church Directory.  I doubt that he was there for only one year but that is the only documentation I have on hand.

Emmett Carter, then Bishop of London, would have worked very closely with the commission.  As a Father of the Second Vatican Council this was Carter’s baby.  Carter worked tirelessly to change the liturgy, both in accord with directives from the second council, and in accord with his own whims.

Now,  look at a few of the clergy who were on the commission with MacLean:

Father  B.D. Glendinning was Vice Chair

Father James L. Doyle was a member

Father Eugene  P. Larocque

(i) Glendinnng was convicted in 1974.  The 1973-74 CCCD was probably published before that bad news got out.

Glendinning was recycled out West where he continued molesting.  He was shipped off tot Southdown for a second time.  Emmett Carter was by then Archbishop of Toronto.  Carter took Glenndinning in and recycled him into parishes in the Toronto Archdiocese.

(ii) Doyle went on to become Bishop of Peterborough.  In that capacity Doyle looked out for Martin Wain when the police were on the hunt for Wain.  Wain was convicted.  After retirement Doyle moved in with Wain in Ottawa.

It was Doyle who ensured that charges against Father Mark Buckley went nowhere after he belatedly told the Crown that he had given Father Mark Buckley permission to dip into parish coffers  November 2000: Friends in High Places

(iii) Larocque went on to become Bishop of Alexandria (now Alexandria-Cornwall)  It was Larocque who pulled political strings to have convicted American clerical molester Carl Stone brought into the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall. November 2000: Friends in High Places

It was during Larocque’s tenure that, amongst other things, David Silmser was illegally gagged in a $32,000 pay-off.

There have been sex abuse allegations against Larocque, none of which resulted in charges.

(4)  Note that MacLean’s lawyer was Andrew Bradie (Bradie also defended Hod)

(5) Note that MacLean had actually entered a guilty plea when another victim came forward.  Bradie managed to have the plea withdrawn and a new trial set.

(6)  Note that at one time there was a charge of buggery against MacLean.  I am beginning to realize that most buggery charges somehow get chopped or plea bargained out  before going to trial.

(7)  Note that Bishop Sherlock knew of abuse allegations against MacLean in 1981.  Nothing.


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Enough for now


Email: cornwall@theinquiry.ca

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