Victim Impact Statements

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I arrived home a couple of hours ago.  The first order of business right now is to catch up on the media coverage of yesterday (09 June).  Keep an eye to New to the Site – as I post articles I will post a link to the article there. (Access manually by clicking  “NEW”  on the black horizontal menu above)

Next I will post the Victim Impact Statements which have been given to me to date.  I am hoping that each of you will send your VIS to post on Sylvia’s Site.  People need to hear what I heard on Wednesday in that courtroom.  It’s important. I will eventually get them together where they are readily accessible to everyone visiting the site.

I asked many of you in person.  If I missed anyone, and I am sure that I did, the request goes out to you now. If your name is under a publication ban I can redact your name and nay information which might identify you.  If that is the case, please let me know which identifiers I should remove.

Those who are going to send their statements to me as a pdf attachment please let me know and I will send you my personal email address.  OR, – and this makes more sense – rather than use the “Contact Me” link above send it to:  It’s the same email address as the “Contact Me” one, it just bypasses the requirement for a code:  it will allow you send a regular email with your Victim Impact Statement as an attachment.

I will get going now 🙂

But, one final word for now…

It truly was such a pleasure to meet you all.  The circumstances were less than desirable, but, for me personally, meeting each of you was a silver lining in the dark clouds.  That part of the past two days was rather surreal.  Pleasantly so 🙂  And all made possible by the kindness of Cathy who kindly offered her home to this stranger, and who was so such a gracious hostess to both John and I.  Thank you Cathy. 

And, a final final word…

You victims did yourselves proud :). Every single one of you.   You can hold your heads high.  As strange as it may sound, what a blessing and privilege it was to sit in that courtroom and share a little tiny bit of your suffering and pain.  Thank you. Thank you.

More on the past two days later…

Enough for now,


This entry was posted in Administrative, Basilians, Clerical sexual predators, John MacDonald, Trials and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Victim Impact Statements

  1. paul says:

    As a past victim of hod I am glad to see him get what he deserves. The brasilian order should be ashamed of themselves.
    There were some great priests at ST. Mikes besides the molesters

  2. prima facie says:

    Excellent reporting and sharing Sylvia, thank-you. Brave, courageous victims and their loved one’s, becoming healthier survivors. The guilty being revealed.

  3. 1 abandoned sheep says:

    May our GOOD GOD heal and hold safe all of the victims in this sordid case – an abuse of power,process, The Sacrament of Holy Orders, and the attempted destruction of young minds and Souls. May this be a new beginning in dealing with all the other cases still pending
    GOD Bless all involved

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