Yes, the site was down yesterday. I was out for the day yesterday. When I got home around 9 pm I checked on things – several emails advising of difficuties accessing the site, and I myself was unable to access it to make comment. Off went an SOS email to my web host in Sweden.
Thsi morning the problem has been resolved. I don’t understand much about bandwidth, but I just now received word from my webhost that a steady increase in traffic over the past year has led to an equally steady increase in bandwidth usage which exceeded the limits set on bandwidth in the plan I currently have. It has been set to allow for spikes, but last month exceeded the fudge factor I was being allowed for with traffic spikes and the site shut itself down. I THINK that’s what it all means. As you know, I am no computer nerd 🙁
Over the past year increased traffic to the site has seen the bandwidth usage double. My host asked if I think that trend will continue, in which case I should up my plan. I think probably traffic will continue to increase as it has done. There is no way of knowing with certainty, but I think it probably will. I am just sorting all of this out with my webhost. The problem is in hand :).
Also, I have another issue which may not be visible to most of you right now but will eventually become a problem. That ‘menu’ which runs down the right side of the screen is using so much memory that it has created what is called a ‘permanent error’ on the Father Hod Marshall page; the menu will no longer display on that page. Apparently as the menu continues to grow -which it will – that problem will start to show on other pages. I need to resolve the matter now. That means I may have to remove the vertical menu which runs down the right side of every page. I hate to do that because I think some people find that the fastest way to access a particular page, but, it looks as though I may have no choice. If it comes to that – which I think it will – there is still the horizinatal drop-down menu across the top of the page. I use the drop-down horizontal menu all the time now: I think people would find it easy to use once they get used to it.
Anyway, I will review my options: I think they are rather limited.
Enough for now
For the time being I have removed the vertical menu which was running down the right side of the screen/page.
Note that the horizontal menu running across the top of the page gives ready access to everything on the site. If you didn’t use that menu regularly please play around with it a bit and see what you think. As I said above, I use it regularly – either in drop-down mode or by clicking on the menu button. I like it and find it easy to use to access a page.
If the absence of the vertical menu creates serious headaches for anyone please post a comment or let me know. Meanwhile I will search for a solution which might allow a more simple display of the vertical menu.